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Is Pet Health Insurance Right For Your Best Friend?

A woman with her dog

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Are you one of the 62% of households in the U.S. who has a pet?

There are so many benefits to having a family pet, especially if you are a military family. Having a dog at home during a deployment may make the spouse and family at home feel more secure. A cat may be the perfect companion for a young family. There is research that animals provide a therapeutic outlet, especially for service members and veterans with PTSD.

Yet as any pet owner knows, there are costs associated with owning a pet. After all, pets may be unpredictable. While it's hard to anticipate accidents or illness, you can be prepared for them. From routine office visits to significant medical incidents, pet health insurance provides protection for your dog or cat when he or she needs it most.

What does pet health insurance cover?

Every plan may have different coverages depending on what is best for your family. Coverage is available for your cat or dog against accidents and illnesses (except those that are pre-existing) including the following:

  • Breed-specific conditions
  • Cancer treatment
  • Diagnostic testing and imaging
  • Surgery, hospitalization, and nursing care
  • Alternative therapies and rehabilitation
  • Emergency room and specialist care
  • Vet exam fees
  • Prescription Drug Coverage (optional)

Types of pet health insurance

There are three product options for pet health insurance. First, there is an accident-only pet insurance, which may cover lacerations, foreign body ingestion, and poisoning or even vehicle accidents.

Another option is accident and illness coverage. This insurance plan covers medical care due to accidents, like the first coverage option, but it also includes infections, digestive problems and cancer.

The third, and most popular option, is pet health insurance with embedded wellness. This comprehensive plan may cover vaccinations, early screening diagnostics, consultations for proper nutrition and dental care.

Is pet health insurance affordable?

Yes. Pet health insurance policies can be customized to fit any budget without sacrifice in coverage. For example, the policyholder might want 90% reimbursement with an annual $500 deductible, or 80% reimbursement with an annual $200 deductible.

Pets provide a world of comfort, joy and zest in our lives. Give yourself, and your pet, peace of mind that he or she will be protected and your savings intact, should illness or emergency arise.

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