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Tricare Change Woes? Take This Survey

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(Stock image)

The Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) need your help getting your top concerns and worries about this year's Tricare changes in front of lawmakers.

Tricare Jan. 1 rolled out a series of changes that out of pocket costs for many currently serving troops and retirees, while also raising retiree enrollment fees for Tricare Prime. A separate change ordered by Congress and put in place Feb. 1 increase Tricare pharmacy fees for almost all medications.

Officials with MOAA are hoping you will tell them what you think of those changes through a survey on their website. They said they'll then take those results to Capitol Hill, where they plan to advocate for those new fees to be reduced and some of the changes to be walked back.

The survey will be open until the end of the month, said Kathy Beasley, who leads the organization's health affairs advocacy.

Related: Senate Tricare Plan Would Dramatically Increase Some Retiree Costs

Of particular interest to the organization is whether or not Tricare users have chosen to delay their health care or stop taking medication due to the price changes or "cost concerns," Beasley said. She said MOAA is "particularly sensitive" to those who have faced those issues.

MOAA fielded a similar survey in December, before the changes started, and plan to field a third one this coming December.

The survey takes about five minutes to complete. You can access it here.

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