
Military Retirement Pay Overview


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Servicemembers who remain on active duty or serve in the Reserves or National Guard for twenty years or longer may retire and receive retired pay. 

There are currently four retirement systems in existence, depending on when you first entered active duty:

If you entered the service:

  • Prior to Sep. 1980 you are eligible for the Final Pay retirement system.
  • Between Sep. 8th, 1980 and Aug. 1986 you are eligible for the High 36 system.
  • Between Aug. 1986 and Dec. 2017 you are under the REDUX system, which means you have the option to choose either the High 36 retirement system, or the Career Status Bonus/REDUX (CSB) retirement system.
  • If you enter after Jan. 1, 2018, you are eligible for the Blended Retirement System

You can visit DoD's online Retirement Pay Calculators for details on each of these retirement pay systems. 

Disability Retirement

Service members who become wounded, ill or injured may be medically retired. They may receive either a permanent or temporary disability retirement. A Physical Examination Board (PEB --Medical Board) determines the percent disability and recommends whether the disability is permanent or needs re-examination every 18 months up to 5 years at which time a final retirement system determination is made. See your Pay and Compensation Administrative Officer in your command or at your military treatment facility (MTF) for additional information and referrals.

Visit the Defense Finance and Accounting Service website for calculators that can help you compare regular and disability retirements online.

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