TRICARE covers preventive health care for women, including the following screenings: (1) Breast exams: women age 40 or older and women age 30 or older who are at a higher risk of developing breast cancer should have annual breast exams; (2) pelvic exams: all women should begin cervical cancer screenings at age 21; (3) Pap test: Women aged 21-29 should have a Pap test at least every 3 years; and (4) HPV DNA testing: Performed in conjunction with a Pap test for women age 30 and older. Also talk to your health care provider about your emotions, stress, mood, anxiety, sleep patterns or any other mental health concerns. Learn more about well woman examinations covered by TRICARE on the TRICARE website.
For complete guides on TRICARE programs, visit the TRICARE section.