Starting on June 28, 2017, TRICARE will no longer include the drug Nexium in the preferred, or formulary, drug list, and it will no longer be available in military hospitals and clinics. Patients are currently being asked to switch to one of the following three preferred alternatives: (1) Omeprazole, (2) Pantoprazole, or (3) Rabeprazole. If your doctor determines that Nexium is medically necessary for you, TRICARE will continue to cover the cost of Nexium, minus the $20 copay for a 90-day supply of home delivery and $24 copay for a 30-day supply via a retail outlet. Your doctor must submit a prior authorization. For more information on TRICARE's formulary list, visit the TRICARE Pharmacy webpage.
For more on TRICARE benefits, visit the TRICARE section.