Early application submission of servicemembers' Household Goods (HHG) requirements into the Defense Personal Property System (DPS) will provide better communication and planning information to the industry. To get started creating your application in DPS without orders, follow these steps: (1) access DPS online; (2) select 'Yes' when asked if you have hard copy orders; (3) use 'NAVYLOI' for the Order Number; (4) use the current date as the Order Date; (5) upload LOI into DPS as the Orders; (6) upload signed DD Form 1299; (7) upload signed DD Form 1797; and (8 submit application in DPS. Servicemembers may contact the DPS System Response Center or help desk over the phone at 800-462-2176 for DPS website related issues. For all others concerns, servicemembers should call 1-855-HHG-MOVE (444-6683) for assistance.
For more moving and PCS resources and guides, visit the Military.com PCS section.