The U.S. Navy has announced an update to the policy for commanders and captains with at least 24-months time in grade (TIG) to request a waiver to retire at their current rank before completing their 36 month time-in-grade commitment. Rather than a blanket authorization, now every officer community will decide if TIG requests can be supported. Special circumstance cases may be considered on a case-by-case basis. An information spreadsheet is posted on the Naval Personnel Command website; click on Force Shaping Lever Chart. TIG and NLG waiver requests for active component commanders and captains can be made by calling (901) 874-3180/3183 (DSN 882-3180). Reserve officers will submit their requests by calling (901) 874-4482/4483 (DSN 882-4483).
For more on military retirement, visit the Retirement section.