The U.S. Army has published its revised uniform and appearance regulation, AR 670-1 at and DA PAM 670-1. The new regulation lifts restrictions on the size and number of tattoos authorized for Soldiers, and changes the rules for the wear of the Army Combat Uniform during commercial travel. However, Soldiers are still prohibited from having tattoos above the T-shirt neckline - meaning anywhere on the neck, face and head. Additionally, Soldiers are limited to no more than one "ring tattoo" on each hand, below the wrist line. What has not changed in the revised policy is the ban on extremist, indecent, sexist or racist tattoos. Soldiers traveling commercially on official business are authorized to wear the Army Combat Uniform (ACU). The updated AR 670-1, DA PAM 670-1, and training package are available on the Deputy Chief of Staff, Army G-1, Uniform Policy webpage.