Currently, there is a push to eliminate the backlog of more than 14,000 Army NCOs who have not gone to their required professional military education (PME). Thus, PME requirements for promotion will no longer be waived for NCOs beginning in 2016. Other changes include: (1) establishing the NCO Professional Development System; (2) renaming of the Warrior Leader Course to Basic Leader Course; (3) using a digital job book that documents all training for soldiers; (4) development of an Executive Leader Course for command sergeants major; (5) providing a "digital rucksack" to students that includes course materials, apps and technical manuals; and (6) requiring Army Service School Academic Reports (DA 1059s) to include date of a Soldier's last physical fitness test, along with a height and weight statement. More guidance on NCO professional development is expected in December with a third fragmentary order to be released in the Spring.
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