The American Legion Amateur Radio Club (TALARC) will operate a special event station on Saturday, March 11, 2017 between 1 p.m. and 7 p.m. Eastern time to commemorate the Legion's upcoming birthday. Ham radio operators at club station K9TAL in Indianapolis will communicate with amateur radio operators around the world. Ham radio operators wishing to contact Special Event Station K9TAL should tune to 40 meters: 7.225 MHz (+/- 5 KHz) LSB; or to 2 meters: K9DC 147.315 Repeater at Indianapolis; or IRLP Node 9735; or, to EchoLink *CROSSRDS* Conference node. All amateur radio operators are invited to check in. Those with hearing difficulties can check in via relay through TALARC members: Everett, WA3DVO in Maryland, 40M: 7.225 MHz (+/- 5 KHz); or Bill, KI0CW in South Dakota, 20M: MHz (+/- 5 KHz).
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