Master, senior master and chief master sergeant pararescue Airmen who have between 19 and 28 years of service may be eligible for a critical skills retention bonus (CSRB). Eligible Airmen may apply for a 2-, 3-, 4- or 5-year contract with bonus values of (depending on years of service and length of contract) $18-$125 thousand. Approved master sergeants who have at least 19 years of service will have their high year of tenure adjusted up to 25 years, when required. Approved senior master sergeants who accept a CSRB at 19 or more years of service will have their HYT adjusted up to 28 years, when required. Complete eligibility and application information is available on the myPers website enlisted retention page. For more information on Air Force personnel programs, visit the myPers website.
For more on military pay, visit the Pay section.