
Army Releases Schedule for Bases to Receive New Camo



Op Cam Patt right

The U.S. Army recently identified the major installations where the service’s new Operational Camouflage Pattern uniforms will go on sale first.

The plan calls for three waves of distribution.

The first wave of uniforms will show up in July at Military Clothing Sales Stores at 19 installations including Fort Bragg, N.C., Fort Campbell, Ken., Fort Lewis, Wash., Fort Benning, Ga., Schofield Barracks, Hawaii, Fort Hood, Texas, Fort Drum N.Y., Fort Carson, Col., and Korea.

The second wave will show up in September at stores on 28 installations including the Pentagon and bases in the Washington, D.C. area, Fort Bliss, Texas, Fort Riley, Kan., Fort Knox, Ken., and Germany.

The third wave of OCP Army Combat Uniforms will show up in November at stores on 63 installations including Fort Gordon, Ga., Fort Sill, Okla., Fort Sam Houston, Texas, Fort Jackson, S.C., Fort Lee, Va., and Fort Leonard Wood, Mo.

Army officials said they did yet know how much the new OCP ACUs will cost, but they said it will be similar to the cost of a complete ACU in the current Universal Camouflage Pattern -- $102.04, according to Lt. Col. Jesse Stalder, an Army spokesman.

Enlisted soldiers, sergeants and officers will have to buy their uniforms. Junior enlisted and sergeants receive an annual clothing allowance. Officers receive a one-time clothing allowance when commissioned.

New soldiers will be issued OCP ACUs in initial entry training beginning in January 2016, Army officials maintain.

Between July 1 and September 2019, soldiers can wear OCP uniforms, UCP uniforms and the flame-resistant uniforms in the Operation Enduring Freedom Camouflage Pattern.

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