Win an M24 (or just buy one surplus)


Adam Wilson at 1MOA Solutions brought this to my attention recently. I’m not sure how I missed it, and there appears to be some

Kit Up! A sniper of the Laghman PRT with his M24

Kit Up! A sniper of the Laghman PRT.

confusion remaining, but apparently Remington is selling and/or raffling off 2,000 refurbished M24 rifles to benefit the Fisher House outside Ft. Bragg, NC. Priority will be given to military snipers, active and reserve duty military, retired military and law enforcement. This is the official flyer (thank you Defense Review).

Now, the confusion. The raffle appears to be a SHOT show exclusive, however, there are different interpretations of that. Some people read the information to mean they are raffling off one weapon system and selling the remainder. Others read it to mean they will be raffling off all 2,000 and then will sell more down the road. I attempted to contact Remington without result and am monitoring 1MOA and other sites to see what they say (you might consider doing that yourself, at least on the 1MOA Facebook page).

According to 1MAO, “The Remington military website will have all the details before then end of the month, sometime after SHOT Show. We've been told to check back in two weeks by Trevor Shaw of Remington Defense.”

It does sound like the massive response this generated will lead to more surplus/refurbished weapons being sold down the road. So, anyway, I’ll post more info if I get it. If you know more about this, please advise. We’ll see what develops. If you’re going to be at SHOT, you’re definitely going to want to get a raffle ticket.

Kit Up! Snipers at FOB Salerno with M24.

Kit Up! Snipers and spotters at FOB Salerno with M24.


Kit Up! Sniper team settles into an overwatch position.

Kit Up! Sniper team settles into an overwatch position.


An old M24 article from Popular Mechanics, if you're interested.

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