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Army Wants Lighter, Shorter M110 Sniper Rifle


In a little noticed request for information, the Army is asking industry to come to it with ideas about how to reconfigure or replace the cureent Knights Armament-made M110 sniper rifle.

The weapon is very popular among Joes (and Marines and SEALs) who like its 7.62x51 NATO round and the Stoner styling that helped it blend into the fireteam or squad.

But industry officials (and some readers in the field) tell Kit Up! the current M110s/SR-25s aren't holding up that well in the zone. One industry source told us that about half the compliment of M110s in any one unit are being cannabalized for parts to keep the other half going.

Here's what the Army is looking for:

  1. Operation: Semi-automatic

  2. Caliber: Compatible with 7.62x51mm NATO cartridges

  3. Accuracy: Capable of 1.3 minute of angle dispersion or greater with
    match ammunition

  4. Size: Overall length shall be reduced using a shorter barrel and/or
    collapsible buttstock. Maximum length not to exceed 39 without suppressor.
    Desired minimum length is less than 36 with stock collapsed.

  5. Weight: Weight shall be under 9.0 lb for unloaded rifle without optics
    and accessories

  6. Grip: A modular, adjustable pistol grip.

  7. Trigger: A non-adjustable match style trigger.

  8. Hand guard: A forend that includes a fixed 12 o' clock rail with
    configurable 3, 6, and 9 o' clock rails.

  9. Sound suppressor: A muzzle mounted, detachable sound suppressor.

  10. Muzzle device: A compensator/muzzle break compatible with the sound

  11. Bipod: Tool-less detachment featuring cant and pan/track capability.

  12. Day optic: An Army specified variable power day optic and compatible

  13. Back up sights: Iron sights offset 45 deg from the DOS.

  14. Sling attachment: Flush cup, quick detach sling attachment points.

  15. In addition to the above listed enhancements, the upgraded M110 must meet the
    operational and environmental requirements that were fulfilled by the original
    M110 SASS.

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