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Navy ROTC Summer Training

Career Orientation and Training for Midshipmen
A team of midshipmen works to patch a ruptured pipe in the Trident Training Facility damage control wet trainer during Career Orientation and Training for Midshipmen submarine week at Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay, Georgia. (Petty Officer 1st Class Kimberly Clifford/U.S. Navy)

Much of a midshipmen's professional training during their four-year curriculum is received during summer training.

  • Navy summer training includes Career Orientation and Training for Midshipmen (CORTRAMID) for midshipmen third class and Atlantic/Pacific Training of Midshipmen (LANTRAMID/PACTRAMID) for midshipmen second and first class.
  • Midshipmen ultimately must make decisions as to which warfare area they will request to be commissioned into; CORTRAMID and the various summer training programs are designed to instill awareness of these areas and provide midshipmen with the background necessary to make informed decisions regarding their career choice.
  • Possible summer training assignments:
    • Nuclear power: Midshipmen can be assigned to nuclear submarine or nuclear surface vessels
    • Marine Corps six-week course: First-class Marine Option midshipmen are assigned to Marine units for summer training
    • CORTRAMID: NROTC second- and third-class scholarship midshipmen assigned to this training. Training consists of surface, submarine, aviation and Marine Corps Orientation.
    • Afloat Aviation Option: Selected midshipmen train aboard a carrier; training includes flight time on navy aircraft, if feasible
    • Ashore Aviation Option: Selected midshipmen train with a Navy aviation squadron, including flight time if feasible
    • Foreign Exchange Training of Midshipmen (FOREXTRAMID) and Japanese Maritime Self-defense Force (JMSDF) Exchanges: Selected midshipmen train with Navies of other countries
  • Advance pay:
    • NROTC scholarship/college program midshipmen authorized advance cruise pay
    • Navy provides 80% advance payment to all midshipmen before commencement of their proposed training
  • Pre-cruise brief: NROTC units conduct an extensive pre-cruise brief to prepare midshipmen for summer training.

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