
Compare the Jobs the Military Offers

Marine intelligence Camp Pendleton, California
A Marine with 1st Marine Logistics Group participated in a Company Level Intelligence Cell Course at Camp Pendleton, California, Feb. 20, 2011. (Lance Cpl. Jerrick J. Griffin/U.S. Marine Corps)

What do you want to be? The military offers many thrilling and rewarding careers within all the branches so that you can start becoming the best of what you dream of being. Do your research, and you may find that what you really want for a career is different than what you thought. Or you may find a pathway to exactly what you always have wanted to be. Keep an open mind about what branch you consider joining, because many of the same jobs are offered within multiple branches.

US Army

More than 150 different jobs (military occupational specialties, or MOSs) for active-duty personnel in such fields as: administrative services, combat operations, electronic maintenance, engineering and construction, health-care intelligence, electronic communications, mechanical maintenance, media, and public and civil affairs.

US Navy

More than 100 careers in such fields as arts and photography, aviation, business management, computers, construction, education, electronics, engineering, finance and accounting information, technology intelligence, law enforcement, legal, medical and dental, music news and media, special operations, transportation and logistics, and world languages.

US Air Force

More than 150 careers in such fields as administration, avionics, base operation communications, electronics, engineering, flying/navigation, information technology, intelligence, medical professional, special forces and weapons systems.

US Marine Corps

More than 300 MOSs in 35 career fields, including personnel and administration, intelligence logistics, engineering data/communications transport, public affairs, legal services, electronics and aircraft maintenance avionics.

Army National Guard

Hundreds of MOSs for active-duty personnel in such fields as administrative services, combat operations, electronic maintenance, engineering and construction, health care, intelligence, military police communications, mechanical maintenance, media, and public and civil affairs.

US Coast Guard

More than 20 jobs for enlisted personnel in deck and ordnance engineering, administration, science, aviation and port security.

Ready to Join the Military?

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