ASVAB Scores and Army Jobs

Service members stand in line in Baghdad, Iraq.
FILE PHOTO -- Members of the Coalition stand in line for out-processing at Union III Baghdad, Iraq, March 18, 2020. (U.S. Army/Spc. Khalil Jenkins)

Finding your Army Job (MOS)

To enlist in the Army, aspiring recruits typically must take the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test and earn a passing score. The ASVAB, with a maximum score of 99, requires a minimum score of 31 for Army enlistment. 

Finding your Army Job (MOS)

To enlist in the Army, aspiring recruits typically must take the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test and earn a passing score. The ASVAB, with a maximum score of 99, requires a minimum score of 31 for Army enlistment. 

Each Army job is associated with a Military Occupational Specialty (MOS), with each having their own ASVAB score requirements.

The ASVAB test encompasses various subject areas or subtests, including general science (GS), arithmetic reasoning (AR), word knowledge (WK), paragraph comprehension (PC), mathematics knowledge (MK), electronics information (EI), auto and shop information (AS), mechanical comprehension (MC), and assembling objects (AO).

Refer to the Army line scores information below and correlate it with the accompanying table to see which Army jobs you may qualify for based on your ASVAB scores.

Army Line Scores

After you take the ASVAB, the Army translates your results into 10 calculations known as “Army line scores.”  The line scores help the Army know which Army jobs, or Military Occupational Specialities (MOS) you qualify for. They are broken down into: clerical; combat; electronics; field artillery; general maintenance; general technical; mechanical maintenance; operators and food; surveillance and communications; and skilled technical.

  • CL -- Clerical: VE+AR+MK
  • CO -- Combat: AR+CS+AS+MC
  • EL -- Electronics: GS+AR+MK+EI
  • FA -- Field artillery: AR+CS+MK+MC
  • GM -- General maintenance: GS+AS+MK+EI
  • GT -- General technical: VE+AR
  • MM -- Mechanical maintenance: NO+AS+MC+EI
  • OF -- Operators and food: VE+NO+AS+MC
  • SC -- Surveillance and communications: VE+AR+AS+MC
  • ST -- Skilled technical: GS+VE+MK+MC

ASVAB Line Scores and Army MOS

See the table below for Army jobs and the corresponding minimum ASVAB line scores.

09CTrainee languageAFQT 21-30, ECLT 40 - 74, AO:54
09SU.S. Army commissioned officer candidateGT:110
09WWarrant officer candidateGT:110
11CIndirect fire infantrymanCO:87
11XInfantry enlistment optionCO:87
12BCombat engineerCO:87
12CBridge crewmemberCO:87
12DDiverGM:98 & GT:107 & ST:106
12NHorizontal construction engineerGM:90
12PPrime power production specialistGT:110 & EL:107 & ST:107
12QTransmission and distribution specialistEL:93
12RInterior electricianEL:93
12TTechnical engineer specialistST:101
12VConcrete and asphalt equipment operatorGM:88
12WCarpentry and masonry specialistGM:88
12YGeospatial engineerGT:100 & ST:100
13BCannon crewmemberFA:93
13DField artillery tactical data systems specialistFA:93
13FFire support specialistFA:96
13JFire control specialistFA:93
13MHigh mobility artillery rocket system (HIMAR)OF:95
13PMultiple launch rocket system operations/fire direction specialistFA:96
13RField artillery fire-finder radar operatorSC:98
13SField artillery surveyorST:95
13TField artillery surveyor/meteorological crewmemberEL:93
13WField artillery meteorological crewmemberEL:95
13ZField artillery senior sergeantN/A
14EPatriot fire control ENH oper/maintMM:104
14GBattle management system operatorMM:99 & GT:98
14HAir defense enhanced early warning system operatorMM:99 & GT:99
14PAir & missile defense (AMD) crewmemberOF:95
14TPATRIOT launching station enhanced operator/maintainerOF:95
14ZAir defense artillery senior sergeantN/A
15BAircraft powerplant repairerMM:104
15DAircraft Powertrain RepairerMM:104
15EUnmanned aircraft systems repairer (UAS SYS REP)EL:93 &MM:104
15FAircraft electricianMM:104
15GAircraft structural repairerMM:104
15HAircraft pneudraulics repairerMM:104
15NAvionic mechanicEL:93
15PAviation operations specialistST:91
15QAir traffic control operatorST:101
15RAH-64 attack helicopter repairerMM:99
15TUH-60 helicopter repairerMM:104
15UCH-47 helicopter repairMM:104
15WUnmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) OperatorSC:102
15YAH-64D Armament / Electrical / Avionics RepairerMM:105 & EL:100
17CCyber Operations SpecialistGT:110 & ST112
18XSpecial Forces RecruitGT:110 & SC:100
19DCavalry ScoutCO:87
19KM1 Armor CrewmanCO:87
25BInformation Technology SpecialistST:95
25CRadio OperatorEL:98 & SC:98
25DCyber Network DefenderGT:105 &ST:105
25LCable System Installer/Main89:EL & SC:89
25MMultimedia IllustratorST:95 & EL:95
25NNODAL Network System OperatorEL:102 & SC:105
25PMicrowave System Operator/MaintainerEL:107
25QMultichannel Transmission Systems Operator - MaintainerEL:98 & SC:98
25RVisual Information Equipment Operator - MaintainerEL:107
25SSatellite Commo System Operator/MaintainerEL:117
25USignal Support System SpecialistEL:93 & SC:92
25VCombat Documentation / Production SpecialistST:91 & EL:93
27DParalegal specialistCL:105
31BMilitary policeST:91
31DCriminal investigation special agentST:107 & GT:110
31EInterment/resettlement specialistST:95
31KMilitary working dog handlerST:91
35FIntel analystST:101
35GGeospatial intelligence imagery analystST:101
35LCounterintelligence agentST:101
35MHuman intelligence collectorDLAB:107
35NSignal intel analystST:112
35PCryptologic linguistST:91 & DLAB:107
35QCryptologic network warfare specialistST:112 & ICLT:60
35SSignal collector/analystST:101
35TMilitary intelligence systems maintainer/integratorST:112
36BFinance management technicianCL:101
37FPsychological operations specialistGT:107
38BCivil affairs specialistGT:107
42AHuman resource specialistGT:100 & CL:90
46QPublic affairs specialist/journalistGT:107
46RBroadcast journalistGT:107
51CAcquisition, logistics & technology contracting NCOGT:110
56MReligious affairs specialistCL:90
68ABiomedical equipment specialistEL:107
68BOrthopedic specialistST:101 & GT:107
68CPractical nursing specialistST:101 & GT:107
68DOperating room specialistST:91
68EDental specialistST:91
68FPhysical therapy specialistST:101 & GT:107
68GPatient administration specialistCL:90
68HOptical laboratory specialistGM:98
68JMedical logistics specialistCL:90
68KMedical laboratory specialistST:106
68LOccupational therapy specialistST:101 & GT:107
68MNutrition care specialistOF:95
68NCardiovascular specialistST:101 & GT:107
68PRadiologist specialistST:106
68QPharmacy specialistST:95
68RVeterinary food inspection specialistST:95
68SPreventive medicine specialistST:101
68TAnimal care specialistST:91
68UEar, nose and throat specialistST:101 & GT:107
68VRespiratory specialistST:102
68WCombat medic specialistST:101 & GT:107
68XMental health specialistST:101
68YEye specialistST:101 & GT:107
74DChemical operations specialistST:100
88HCargo specialistGM:88
88KWatercraft operatorMM:99
88LWatercraft engineerMM:99
88MMotor transport operatorOF:85
88NTransportation management coordinatorCL:95
88PLocomotive repMM:97
88TRailway section repairer (R)MM:87
88URailway operations crewmember (R)MM:92
89AAmmunitions stock controlST:91
89BAmmunitions specialistST:91
89DExplosive ordnance disposal specialist (EOD)GM:105
91AM1 Abrams tank system maintainerMM:88 & GT:85 or MM:99
91BLight-wheel vehicle mechanicMM:87 & GT:85 or MM:92
91CUtilities equipment repair/heating & airGM:98 or GM:88 & GT:83
91DPower generation equipment repairGM:98 or GM:88 & GT:88
91EAllied trade specialistGM:88 & GT:95 or GM:98
91FSmall arms/towed artillery repairGM:93 or GM:88 & GT:85
91GFire control repairEL:93 & GM:88 or EL:98
91HTrack vehicle mechanicMM:87 & GT:85 or MM:92
91JQuartermaster & chemical equipment repairMM:87 & GT:85 or MM:92
91LConstruction equipment repairMM:87 & GT:85 or MM:92
91MBradley fighting vehicle system maintainerMM:88 & GT:92 or MM:99
91PArtillery mechanicMM:88 & GT:88 or MM:99
91SStryker systems maintainerMM:87 & GT:85 or MM:92
92AAutomated logistical specialistCL:90
92FPetroleum laboratory specialistCL:86 & OF:85
92GFood service specialistOF:85
92LPetroleum laboratory specialistST:91
92MMortuary affairs specialistGM:90
92RParachute riggerGM:90 & CO:90
92SShower, laundry & clothing repair specialistGM:84
92WWater treatment specialistGM:88
92YUnit supply specialistCL:90
94ALand combat electronic missile system repairerEL:102
94DAir traffic control equipment repairEL:102
94ERadio & communication security repairEL:102
94FComputer detection systems repairEL:102
94HTest, measurement and diagnostic equipment (TMDE) maintenance sup specEL:107
94MRadar repairerEL:107
94PMLRS repairerEL:93
94RAvionic & survivability equipment repairerEL:98
94SPatriot system repairerEL:107
94TAvenger system repairEL:98
94YIntegrated family of test equipment operatorEL:107
96BIntelligence analystST:105
96DImagery analystST:95
96HCommon ground station operatorSC:95 & ST:105
96RGround surveillance systems operatorEL:85 & SC:95
96UTactical unmanned aerial vehicle operatorSC:105
96ZIntelligence senior sergeantN/A
97BCounterintelligence agentST:105
97EHuman intelligence collectorST:95
97LTranslator/interpreter (R)ST:95
97ZCounterintelligence/human intelligence senior sergeantN/A
98CSignals intelligence analystST:105
98GCryptologic linguistST:95
98HCommunications locator/interceptorST:95
98JElectronic intelligence interceptor/analystST:105
98KSignals collection/identification analystST:95
98XLSignals/foreign language enlistment option-
98ZSignals intelligence senior sergeantN/A

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