ASVAB Scores and Air Force Jobs

Air Force ROTC Cadets cheering at military football game
Air Force ROTC cadets cheer on the Clemson Tigers as they take on the Duke Blue Devils in Clemson's Military Appreciation Game, Nov. 17, 2018. (Ken Scar/U.S. Army Cadet Command)

Finding your Air Force Job (AFSC)

To enlist in the Air Force, achieving an acceptable score on the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test is imperative. The Air Force has the highest ASVAB score requirement among all branches of the service.

Finding your Air Force Job (AFSC)

To enlist in the Air Force, achieving an acceptable score on the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test is imperative. The Air Force has the highest ASVAB score requirement among all branches of the service.

Air Force career roles are denoted by Air Force Specialty Code (AFSC). Determining your eligibility for specific jobs involves a breakdown of your ASVAB subtest scores into qualification areas. These subtests encompass general science (GS), arithmetic reasoning (AR), word knowledge (WK), paragraph comprehension (PC), mathematics knowledge (MK), electronics information (EI), auto and shop information (AS), and mechanical comprehension (MC). 

This process ensures alignment between your skills and the demands of Air Force specialties.

High school seniors or graduates must have a minimum 31 overall ASVAB score, and GED holders must have a minimum of 50 overall ASVAB score.

Officers are not required to take the ASVAB test. However, they must take the Air Force Officer Qualifying Test, which is similar to the SAT before admission.

Air Force Qualification Areas and the ASVAB

The four qualification areas are:

Qualification AreaASVAB Subtests
G -- generalVerbal expression (WK plus PC) and arithmetic reasoning (AR)
M -- mechanicalMechanical comprehension (MC), general science (GS) and two times auto and shop information (AS)
A -- administrativeNumerical operations* (NO), coding speed* (CS) and verbal expression (WK plus PC)
E -- electricalArithmetic reasoning (AR), mathematics knowledge (MK), electronics information (EI) and general science (GS)

Air Force Qualification Areas and Air Force Specialty Code (AFSC)

See the table below for Air Force jobs and the corresponding qualification area minimum scores.

AFSCAFSC TitleQualification Area Minimum Scores
1A0X1In-flight refuelingG55
1A1X1Flight engineerG57
1A2X1Aircraft loadmasterG57
1A3X1Airborne communication systemsE70
1A6X1Flight attendantA28
1A8X1Airborne cryptologic language analystG72
1A8X2Airborne intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) operatorG72
1A9X1Special missions aviationM60 & G57
1B4X1Cyber warfare operationsG64
1C0X2Aviation resource managementA41
1C1X1Air traffic controlG55
1C2X1Combat controlM55 & G55
1C3X1Command and control operationsA55 & G67
1C4X1Tactical air control party (TACP)G49
1C5X1Command and control battle management operationsG55
1C6X1Space systems operationsE70
1C7X1Airfield managementM40 & G50
1C8X3Radar airfield and weather systems (RAWS)E70
1N0X1Intelligence applicationsA64
1N1X1Geospatial intelligence analystG66
1N2X1Signals intelligence analystG72
1N3X1Cryptologic language analystG72
1N4X1Fusion analystG62
1N7X1Human intelligence specialistG72
1P0X1Aircrew flight equipmentM40
1T0X1Survival evasion, resistance and escape (SERE)G55
1U0X1Remotely piloted aircraft (RPA) sensor operatorG64 or E54
1U1X1Remotely piloted aircraft (RPA) pilotG64 & E54
1W0X1WeatherG66 & E50
1W0X2Special operations weatherG66 & E50
2A0X1Avionics test station and componentE70
2A2X1Special operations forces/personnel recovery (SOF/PR) integrated communication/navigation/mission systemsE70
2A2X2Special operations forces/personnel recovery (SOF/PR) integrated instrument and flight control systemsE70
2A2X3Special operations forces/personnel recovery (SOF/PR) integrated electronic warfare systemsE70
2A3X3Tactical aircraft maintenanceM47
2A3X4Flight aircraft integrated avionicsE70
2A3X5Advanced fighter aircraft integrated avionicsE70
2A3X7Tactical aircraft maintenance (5th generation)M47
2A3X8Remotely piloted aircraft maintenanceM47
2A5X1Airlift/special mission aircraft maintenanceM47
2A5X2Helicopter/tiltrotor aircraft maintenanceM56
2A5X3Mobility air forces electronic warfare systemsE70
2A5X4Refuel/bomber aircraft maintenanceM47
2A6X1Aerospace propulsion (jet engines, turboprop and turboshaft)M56
2A6X2Aerospace ground equipmentM47 & E28
2A6X3Aircrew egress systemsM56
2A6X4Aircraft fuel systemsM47
2A6X5Aircraft hydraulic systemsM56
2A6X6Aircraft electrical and environmental systemsM41 & E61
2A7X1Aircraft metals technologyM47
2A7X2Nondestructive inspectionM42
2A7X3Aircraft structural maintenanceM47
2A7X5Low observable aircraft structural maintenanceM47
2A8X1Mobility air forces integrated communication/navigation mission systemE70
2A8X2Mobility air forces integrated instrument and flight control systemsE70
2A9X1Bomber/special integrated communication/navigation/mission systemsE70
2A9X2Bomber/special integrated instrument and flight control systemsE70
2A9X3Bomber/special electronic warfare and radar surveillance integrated avionicsE70
2F0X1FuelsM47 & G38
2G0X1Logistics plansA56
2M0X1Missile and space systems electronics maintenanceE70
2M0X2Missile and space systems maintenanceM47
2M0X3Missile and space facilitiesE70
2P0X1Precision measurement equipment laboratoryE70
2R0X1Maintenance management analysisG55
2R1X1Maintenance management productionG44
2S0X1Material managementA41 or G44
2T0X1Traffic managementA35
2T1X1Ground transportationM40
2T2X1Air transportationM47 & A28
2T3X1Mission generation vehicular equipment maintenanceM47
2T3X7Fleet management and analysisA41
2W0X1Munitions systemM60 or G57
2W1X1Aircraft armament systemsM60 or E45
2W2X1Nuclear weaponsM60
3D0X1Knowledge operations managementG64
3D0X2Cyber systems operationsG64
3D0X4Computer systems programmingG64
3D1X1Client systemsE60
3D1X2Cyber transport systems data linkE70
3D1X3RF transmission systemsE70
3D1X4Spectrum operationsE60
3D1X7Cable and antenna systemsM55 or E55
3E0X1Electrical systemsM35 & E35
3E0X2Electrical power productionM56 & E40
3E1X1Heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigerationM47 or E28
3E2X1Pavements and construction equipmentM40
3E4X1Water and fuel systems maintenanceM47 & E28
3E4X3Pest managementG38
3E6X1Operations managementG44
3E7X1Fire protectionG38
3E8X1Explosive ordnance disposalM60 & G64
3E9X1Emergency managementG62
3F2X1Education and trainingG59
3F4X1Equal opportunityA41 or G44
3N0X2Broadcast journalistG72
3N1X1Regional bandA21 or G24
3N2X1Premier bandA21 or G24
3P0X1Security forcesG33
3P0X1AMilitary working dog handlerG33
3P0X1BCombat armsM35
4A0X1Health services managementG44
4A1X1Medical materielG44
4A2X1Biomedical equipmentE70 & M60
4B0X1Bioenvironmental engineeringG49
4C0X1Mental health serviceG55
4D0X1Diet therapyG44
4E031Public healthG44
4H031Cardiopulmonary laboratoryG44
4J0X2Physical medicine orthoticG49
4M0X1Aerospace and operational physiologyG44
4N0X1Aerospace medical servicesG50
4N1X1Surgical servicesG44
4R0X1Diagnostic imagingG44
4T0X1Medical laboratoryG62
4Y0X1Dental assistant/hygienistG44
4Y0X2Dental laboratoryG66
5R0X1Chaplain assistantA35 or G44
6F0X1Financial management and comptrollerG57
7S0X1Special investigationG44
8B200Academy military training NCOG49
8D100Language and culture adviserG60
8H000Airmen dorm leaderG47
8P000Define attachéG44
8R200Second-tier recruiterG24
8R300Third-tier recruiterG24
8S000Missile facility managerM40
8U000Unit deployment managerA56
9S100Scientific applications specialistM88 & E85

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