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Joint Chemical Agent Detector

  • Joint Chemical Agent Detector
  • Joint Chemical Agent Detector
  • Joint Chemical Agent Detector
  • Joint Chemical Agent Detector
  • Joint Chemical Agent Detector
  • Joint Chemical Agent Detector
  • Joint Chemical Agent Detector
  • Joint Chemical Agent Detector
  • Joint Chemical Agent Detector
  • Joint Chemical Agent Detector
Joint Chemical Agent Detector

The Joint Chemical Agent Detector (JCAD) M4A1 is a pocket-size, rugged, handheld detector that automatically detects, identifies, and alarms to chemical warfare agents and toxic industrial chemical vapors.

The services can use the system on mobile platforms, at fixed sites, and on individuals designated to operate in a chemical threat area. The system can operate in a general chemical warfare environment, and can undergo conventional decontamination procedures by the warfighter.

The M4A1 JCAD commenced production in FY11. The M4A1 JCAD will reduce operation and sustainment costs, has an improved user interface, and is net ready.

The JCAD replaces the Automatic Chemical Agent Detector and Alarm (ACADA or M22), M90, and M8A1 systems. The JCAD may replace the Chemical Agent Monitor (CAM) and Improved Chemical Agent Monitor (ICAM).

Specific capabilities include:

  • Instant feedback of hazard (mask only or full Mission Oriented Protective Posture)
  • Real-time detection of nerve, blister, and blood agents
  • Stores up to 72 hours of detection data

The M4A1 will be net-ready through implementation of the common chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear standard interface.

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