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AGM-114 Hellfire

  • AGM-114 Hellfire
  • AGM-114 Hellfire Missile
  • AGM-114 Hellfire
  • AGM-114 Hellfire
  • AGM-114 Hellfire
  • AGM-114 Hellfire
  • AGM-114 Hellfire Missile
  • AGM-114 Hellfire Missile
  • AGM-114 Hellfire
  • AGM-114 Hellfire
  • AGM-114 Hellfire
  • AGM-114 Hellfire
AGM-114 Hellfire

Contractor: Boeing, Lockheed Martin

Propulsion: Solid propellant rocket

Length: 5.33 ft

Diameter: 7 in

Wingspan: 28 in

Weight: 98 to 107 lbs

Speed: Subsonic


Navy: SH-60B/HH-60H Seahawk

Army: AH-64 Apache

Marine: AH-1W Super Cobra

Air Force: MQ-1 Predator, Reaper

Warhead: Shaped charge and blast fragmentation

Hellfire is an air-to-ground, laser guided, subsonic missile with significant anti-tank capacity. It can also be used as an air-to-air weapon against helicopters or slow-moving fixed-wing aircraft.

Hellfire can be used as an air-to-air or an air-to-ground missile. The Air-to-Ground (AGM)-114 provides precision striking power against tanks, structures, bunkers and helicopters. The Hellfire missile is capable of defeating any known tank in the world today. It can be guided to the target either from inside the aircraft or by lasers outside the aircraft.

In FY98, Congress added $20 million for the procurement of 100 AGM -114M blast fragmentation warhead missiles and 100 each Captive Air Training Missile (CATM)-114K training missiles. The CATM-114K training missiles were delivered in April 2000, and the AGM-114M was delivered in December 2000. In FY00, an $20 million was added to provide for the procurement of additional AGM-114K missiles to meet shortages in the inventory.

The Advanced Prototype Engineering and Experimentation (APEX) lab at Redstone Arsenal, Huntsville, Ala., in partnership with PMA-242, demonstrated the latest Modernized Hellfire technologies for use in close air support and urban missions. The APEX lab provides modeling and simulation support for all Services.

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