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Navy Education Programs

Sailors direct the launch of an MH-60S Sea Hawk helicopter from the USS Blue Ridge
Sailors direct the launch of an MH-60S Sea Hawk helicopter from the "Golden Falcons" of Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC) 12 from the flight deck of U.S. 7th Fleet flagship USS Blue Ridge (LCC 19) Jan. 21, 2020. (Dylan McKay/U.S. Navy)

The Navy has several Voluntary Education programs to help Sailors reach their education and career goals. The Naval Education and Training Command plays a big part in ensuring all Navy personnel achieve their education and career goals by managing several education and training programs. The following is a summary of these five education support and other programs available to Navy personnel:

The Navy Advanced Education Voucher Program

The Naval Education and Training Command's Advanced Education Voucher (AEV) program is designed to provide advanced education opportunities for senior enlisted personnel E-7 through E-9. For details see our Navy Advanced Education Voucher page.

Navy Graduate Education Voucher

The Graduate Education Voucher program (GEV) was established in order to provide increased opportunity and incentive for selected Unrestricted Line (URL) officers who wish to obtain a graduate degree during off-duty hours. While GEV participation is limited to selected URL officers, all eligible Navy officers are encouraged to pursue graduate education through one or more of the educational programs available to them. Navy leadership recognizes the value and importance of advanced education. However, there is a constant demand for quality officers to fill other Navy core billets, thereby limiting opportunity for resident advanced education. GEV enables selected officers, with demonstrated superior performance and potential for future contributions to the Navy, to earn a Navy-relevant masters degree leading to an approved subspecialty while meeting other Navy needs.

Active duty URL Officers from 03 to 05 in the 111X, 112X, 113X, 114X, and 13XX communities are eligible. GEV has been designed to aid those officers who consistently demonstrate superior performance. GEV is limited to on-shore duty officers or to officers who are transferring to shore duty.

Once approved, participants may attend any accredited institution recognized by Department of Education. GEV will cover graduate costs, including tuition, books, and registration/application fees.GEV offers $40,000 per degree, with a maximum of $20,000 per fiscal year, and participants are allotted a maximum of 24 months to complete a degree program.

For more information see the Navy College Website.

Tuition Assistance

Tuition Assistance (TA) is available to both officer and enlisted active duty personnel and Reservists on continuous active duty. It is also available to enlisted Naval Reservists ordered to active duty 120 days and to Naval Reservist Officers ordered to active duty for 2 years or more. To qualify, service members must:  

  • be on active duty for the whole length of the course.
  • attend an institution accredited by a regional, national, or professional accrediting agency recognized by the Department of Education.
  • receive counseling from a Navy College Office or Virtual Education Center Counselor
  • provide all grades from previously funded TA courses and reimburse all W and F grades. (Withdrawals for involuntary reasons may be granted with command verification.)
  • Agree, if an officer, to remain on active duty for at least two years upon completion of courses funded by TA. This obligation runs concurrently with remaining obligated service time. Those who fail to serve the obligation must repay the TA funds expended on their behalf during the last two years of active duty on a pro rated basis.

The maximum amount paid for tuition assistance: 100% Tuition and Fees

Not to exceed:

  • $250.00 @ Semester Credit Hour, or
  • $166.67 @ Quarter Credit Hour, and
  • 16 Semester Hours (24 Quarter Hours or 240 Clock Hours)@ Fiscal Year

Reimbursement of TA funds is required for all:

  • undergraduate level (D or lower) grades,
  • non-passing (N) grades,
  • graduate level (C or lower) grades,
  • incomplete (I) grades in effect longer than six months,
  • voluntary withdrawal (W) grades.

See our Navy Tuition Assistance page for more details.

Navy Seaman to Admiral (STA-21)

The Navy's Seaman to Admiral Program is a commissioning program in which Sailors keep their benefits, pay, and privileges while they receive a scholarship to attend college to earn their degree and their commission as a Naval officer. Visit the STA-21 Navy commissioning program overview for more details.

The Navy Maine Corps Relief Society (NMCRS) Sponsored Programs

The Society's Education Assistance Program offers interest-free loans and grants for undergraduate/post-secondary education at an accredited 2- or 4-year education, technical or vocational institution in the U.S.  This financial assistance is available for children of active duty, retired or deceased Sailors and Marines; and for spouses of active duty and retired Sailors and Marines.

Spouses of active duty Sailors and Marines stationed and living outside the United States are also eligible for the Society’s Spouse Tuition Assistance Program (STAP).  For STAP assistance, contact your nearest overseas NMCRS office.  NMCRS office locations and business hours are located here:

NMCRS Education Assistance Program:
The Navy Marine Corps Relief Society offers interest free loans, grants, and scholarships.

  • Interest free loans and grants range from $500 to $3,000 per academic year
  • Amount to be provided to each applicant will be determined by NMCRS
  • Funds are payable and provided to the student’s academic institution, not the student
  • Funds are to be used only for tuition, books, fees, room, and board
  • Repayment of interest free loans must be by military payroll allotment within 24 months of the loan disbursal (repayment of interest free loans for MECEP/MECP must be within 48 months following receipt of a military commission)
  • Repayment allotments must begin September 1, (or the month following receipt of a military commission for MECEP/MECP students)
  • Students must complete a new application for each academic year

Visit the NMCRS site for more details

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