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Top Marine Looks to Science Fiction to Prepare Corps for Future


The book Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Robert Neller is encouraging all his troops to read isn't Sun Tzu's "The Art of War" or the age-old reading list classic "A Message to Garcia."

It's "Ghost Fleet," a futuristic "Novel of the Next World War" published last year by think tankers August Cole and P.W. Singer.

As the Marine Corps expands its cyber warfare and information warfare communities and looks for opportunities to embrace cutting-edge technologies, the lines between science fiction and future warfare quickly blur.

To underscore the point, the Marine Corps Warfighting Lab hosted a "Science Fiction Futures" workshop Feb. 3, featuring Cole, Singer and other sci-fi authors who met and discussed concepts and ideas with a group of 17 Marines and sailors selected from a pool of applicants.

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Note: This post was updated to corrected the spelling of the author's name Sun Tzu in the first paragraph.

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