
GOP List of Alleged Voter Fraud in Nevada Contains Hundreds of Military Addresses

Amy Rose, who votes absentee and claims Henderson, Nevada as her home.
Amy Rose, who votes absentee and claims Henderson, Nevada as her home, with her son. (Courtesy Photo)

A letter sent Nov. 5 on behalf of President Donald Trump's reelection campaign to Attorney General William Barr alleges that 3,062 voters who do not live in the state of Nevada "improperly cast" absentee ballots in the 2020 election.

But the list that accompanies the letter of those accused of "criminal voter fraud" contains hundreds of overseas military post office boxes and more than 1,000 locations where military personnel are stationed, such as Minot, North Dakota; Edwards and Fort Irwin, California; Hill Air Force Base, Utah; Carlisle, Pennsylvania; and Yuma, Arizona.

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To at least one military spouse whose residences of Henderson, Nevada, and Davis, California, are listed -- with their specific nine-digit ZIP codes (exact addresses are not included) -- finding herself and her husband, an Air Force major, on the list was "shocking."

"To see my integrity challenged, along with other members of the military to be challenged in this way, it is a shock. And to be potentially disenfranchised because of these actions, that's not OK," said Amy Rose, who votes absentee and claims Henderson as her home while the couple is stationed in California.

Rose found her locations on the list after a copy of the letter, sent by Weir Law Group on behalf of the Trump campaign, as well as the list, were published on Twitter by Riley Snyder, a reporter with the Nevada Independent.

The list contains two people who lived in Henderson, Nevada, and now live in Davis, California, in the 95618 zip code, with the 6104 addition -- the code that indicates a specific delivery route belonging to the couple.

"We put two and two together and realized, 'Yeah, Wow.' It's shocking to see ourselves there," Rose said.

According to the letter from Trump’s attorneys, the campaign cross-referenced the names and addresses of voters with the National Change of Address database maintained by the U.S. Postal Service.

Amy Rose lived in her home in Henderson until 2018, when she moved to Davis. This year, she applied for an absentee ballot in September and returned her vote via email shortly after receiving it.

Nevada is one of the most hotly contested sites of the 2020 presidential election, with Democrat Joe Biden up by 36,274 votes in a state where 3 to 5% of the vote remains to be tallied as of Nov. 10, according to The New York Times and Fox News.

Trump tweeted Monday, based on information from campaign officials, including former Nevada Attorney General Adam Laxalt, that the state is a "cesspool of Fake Votes," and the campaign is "finding things, that, when released, will be absolutely shocking!"

Twitter flagged the president's tweet.

The letter sent last week said the campaign was continuing its effort to root out fraud. Campaign officials said they "anticipate that the final list of fraudulent ballots will grow substantially.

"Voter fraud is a serious felony, one that cuts to the heart of our representative democracy. We understand these are serious allegations, and we do not make them lightly," wrote attorneys Shanna Weir and Jesse Binnall.

The list contains at least 130 Army Post Office (APO) addresses, nine Fleet Post Office (FPO) addresses and 16 Diplomatic Post Office (DPO) addresses. It also contains hundreds of addresses from coast to coast, as well as Alaska and Hawaii, in cities known to have large military populations.

By law, military voters may vote absentee in their home of record or choose to register to vote in the state in which they reside. In the 2016 presidential election, 3,047 uniformed service members voted in Nevada, according to the Election Administration and Voting Survey.

Rose, an attorney who once worked for the American Civil Liberties Union and now is employed by Swords to Plowshares, a veterans advocacy group, said it is harmful that military votes are being called into question.

"They are calling into question an activity that is fundamental to our ability to participate in democracy," she said. "It's concerning that [our rights] are being challenged and we are being put in a position to defend them for something that shouldn't be a question in anybody's mind ever."

The Trump campaign in Nevada did not respond to a request for comment from Military.com.

But Bob Carey, a retired Navy captain who serves as chairman of the National Defense Committee and was director of the Defense Department's Federal Voting Assistance Program from 2009 to 2012, said he reached out to the campaign and believes a modified complaint is forthcoming.

"In my role as chairman of the National Defense Committee, I reached out to the campaign and the Republican National Committee. I believe that these military voters were included in the complaint mistakenly, and I believe a modified complaint will be filed to redact this," Carey said.

Trump has requested a recount by hand in Georgia and asked for a recount in Wisconsin. He has sued to block Pennsylvania's election results and would like to see a recount in that state.

In Nevada, Republicans would like all mail-in ballots recounted.

Rose just wants to make sure her vote, along with those of hundreds of military personnel and spouses, is included.

"It's pretty obvious that hundreds of military people are on this list," she said. "There didn't seem to be any effort to look at this list before they made their accusations."

Editor's Note: This story has been updated to correct a misheard quote from Bob Carey. He said he believed military voters were included mistakenly, not illegally.

-- Patricia Kime can be reached at Patricia.Kime@Monster.com. Follow her on Twitter @patriciakime.

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