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You Sent This World War II Vet 500 Birthday Cards

WWII veteran Charlotte Schwid celebrated her 100th birthday with cards from readers. (Photo courtesy of Khampheng Scott)
WWII veteran Charlotte Schwid celebrated her 100th birthday with cards from readers. (Photo courtesy of Khampheng Scott)

What's the best way to celebrate the birthday of a 100-year-old World War II veteran? With cake -- and about 500 birthday cards and presents from around the world, of course.

That's exactly the kind of celebration readers gave to former Army nurse Charlotte Schwid, who turned 100 on May 22. Friends and family threw a birthday party for her at Eagle River VFW Post 9785 in Alaska. And after published an article asking for your participation, you shipped in cards and packages as a surprise.

Khampheng Scott, an Air Force veteran who helped organize the shindig and opened a P.O. Box to receive the mail, said Schwid was surprised by the outpouring of love and support from both friends in the state and strangers from across the globe.

"She said, 'For me? I don't know these people,'" Scott said. "She smiled the whole entire time, and she loves the attention. ... She said it was the best day of her life."

Charlotte Schwid celebrated her 100th birthday at the local VFW post. (Courtesy of Aspect Alaska Photography)
Charlotte Schwid celebrated her 100th birthday at the local VFW post. (Courtesy of Aspect Alaska Photography)

Schwid's party lasted from 3 to 7 p.m., giving plenty of time for friends, well-wishers and even a few local media outlets to drop by and join the fun.

Among the hundreds of cards and gifts you sent Schwid was a handmade quilt, jewelry and even a replica WWII photo, Scott said. Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski, who shares a birthday with Schwid, also sent a card.

Schwid, who served in military hospital in Tidworth, England, taking care of D-Day patients near the end of the war, is a familiar face at Alaska veteran events and frequently attends Honor Flight homecomings.

Just some of the cards readers sent WWII veteran Charlotte Schwid for her 100th birthday. (Courtesy of Aspect Alaska Photography)
Just some of the cards readers sent WWII veteran Charlotte Schwid for her 100th birthday. (Courtesy of Aspect Alaska Photography)

So what is she going to do with her 500 cards? Read them, of course, Scott said.

"She said, 'It'll take me forever to read this.' And I said, 'You have plenty of time.'"

-- Amy Bushatz can be reached at

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