Apprenticeship training is available for Veterans through programs sponsored by the Department of Labor and the VA. For Veterans with technical skills, or those who don't wish to pursue a traditional education apprenticeship may be the perfect fit. Benefits of enrolling in an apprenticeship program include:
- A paycheck from day one, guaranteed to increase over time as you learn new skills.
- Hands-on career training in a wide selection of programs, such as health care, construction, information technology and geospatial careers.
- An education and the potential to earn college credit, even an associate or bachelor's degree, in many cases paid for by your employer.
- Ability to use your GI Bill benefits to supplement your apprentice income.
A program sponsored by the Department of Labor, ApprenticeshipUSA offers employers in every industry the tools to develop a highly skilled workforce to help grow their business. For workers, ApprenticeshipUSA offers opportunities to earn a salary while learning the skills necessary to succeed in high-demand careers. ApprenticeshipUSA exemplifies high standards, instructional rigor and quality training. Whether you are an employer looking to hire, train or retain a skilled workforce, or a worker looking for a new career in a well-paying occupation, ApprenticeshipUSA will help you achieve your goals.
For more information on ApprenticeshipUSA, please visit their website.