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5 New Ways to Make the Most of Your Military Retirement

man with grandson

If you’re like most military retirees, you’re probably on the lookout for ways to get the most out of your military retirement. Recent changes in some military retirement benefits programs offer opportunities for you to do just that. But, some benefits require you to act to take advantage of them. Here are five ways to make the most of your military retirement:

1. Make sure to review your Retiree Dental Insurance – Military retirees can now select from 10 different dental insurance plans under the Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program (FEDVIP).1 It’s the same program that provides dental coverage to other federal employees. The 2019 annual enrollment period known as the Federal Benefits Open Season runs from November 12 to December 10, 2018, and you must enroll to have dental coverage in 2019. What’s more, there are some great new carrier options, including MetLife, that you can research at

2. Move where you want, and the military will pick up the tab – Back in the day, the military told you where to live. But now that’s your call. Don’t forget that within a year of your retirement, the military will pay for packing and shipping your household goods,2 just like they did the last 20 times they moved you. There are time and location limitations.3 So, it’s best to plan and talk to your local transportation office to ensure you don’t miss out on this valuable benefit.

3. Take another look at VA healthcare. Many Military retirees supplement their TRICARE benefits with VA services for which they qualify. It may also be convenient, because the VA healthcare system has hundreds of hospitals and clinics across the country.2 In most cases, the condition for which you’re seeking care must be service-connected.3 To find out which services are available and if you are eligible, simply call the VA and ask.4 With new laws opening the VA to more care in your community,5 you may be able to go to the same doctor and pharmacy — but pay less!

4. Get a new “purpose” – Many vets feel hollow after serving and doing something with a greater purpose.6Whether retired or working, having a purpose is important. There are many opportunities to serve again, making a difference in peoples’ lives and improving your community. Volunteer, mentor, or help out others. You were made to serve, and that brings most military retirees the greatest satisfaction.

5. Max out your military discounts – There’s been a recent explosion of new military discounts.7 Always check online or ask in stores. Make the most of the discounts available to you — whether military, 50+ or both.

Sponsored: The above five steps will help you make the most of your military retirement in 2019. To learn about what the MetLife Federal Dental Plan offers, click here.


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