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Temporary Healthcare After Leaving The Military

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The Continued Health Care Benefit Program (CHCBP) is a premium-based plan that offers temporary transitional health coverage for 18-36 months after Tricare eligibility ends. If you qualify, you can purchase the CHCBP within 60 days of the loss of Tricare eligibility.

  • The CHCBP acts as a bridge between military health benefits and your new civilian health plan.
  • Coverage is similar to Tricare Select, including prescriptions at network pharmacies or through home delivery.
  • Provides the minimum essential coverage required by the Affordable Care Act, but it is temporary. You should consider your options for when CHCBP ends.

Eligible Beneficiaries

You may qualify to purchase the CHCBP in the following scenarios. In all cases, the service member's separation must be under other than adverse conditions. You must have an "honorable" or "general" discharge to qualify.

Former Category Scenario Length of Coverage
Active Duty Service Member Released from active duty Up to 18 months
Full-time National Guard Member Separated from full-time status Up to 18 months
Member covered by the Transitional Assistance Management Program (TAMP) Loss of TAMP coverage Up to 18 months
Seleted Reserve member covered by TRS Loss of TRS coverage Up to 18 months
Retired Reserve member covered by TRR Loss of TRR coverage (before age 60) Up to 18 months
Dependent spouse or child Loss of Tricare coverage Up to 36 months
Unremarried former spouse Loss of Tricare coverage Up to 36 months*

*Unremarried former spouses may qualify for additional coverage. Please check with Humana Military for details.

If you were qualified for one of Tricare's premium-based plans (e.g. Tricare Reserve Select, Tricare Retired Reserve, or Tricare Young Adult) before your loss of eligibility, that coverage must have been purchased and in place at least one day before the loss of Tricare eligibility for you to qualify to purchase CHCBP when that coverage ends.

For more information about CHCBP or to see if you qualify visit the CHCBP website.

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