
How to Get a New ID Card When Everything Is Shut Down

Military ID Cards

Is your Common Access Card, Defense Department ID card, Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) ID card or driver's license expired or about to expire?

How are you supposed to get a new one when everything is closed?

Common Access Card

If your CAC expired on or after April 16, 2020, you can update it online from a computer that has a CAC reader. You must do this within 30 days of the expiration date and have already either reenlisted or extended your enlistment.

After completing the required steps, your card will be good through Sept. 30, 2020. You don't have to visit an ID card office until later.

If your CAC has expired and you are outside the 30-day window, you will have to visit an ID card issuing office to get a new one.

Be aware: They will not issue a new CAC just to update your paygrade or for a name change.

Check out CAC.mil for more information, including instructions on how to update your card.

DoD Identification Card

All existing DoD-issued Uniformed Services ID Cards (USID), including reservist, retiree, dependent and 100% disabled veteran ID cards, that expire on or after Jan. 1, 2020, will have their expiration date automatically extended to Sept. 30, 2020.

All first-time issue and change of status cards can be applied for via mail or fax. All initial-issue cards will be good for one year from the date they are issued. You must provide original documents to a DoD ID card issuance facility before the card expires to remain eligible for benefits. The minimum age for children's initial USID cards has been temporarily increased from 10 to 14.

USID cards issued to dependent children who turn 21 will not be extended. Contact your local RAPIDS ID office for more information.

The Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS) will be updated with the extended expiration date.

Lost or stolen cards will also be reissued via mail. Reservists who are activated, as well as their family members, will be able to use their Reserve ID card to get active-duty benefits.

Check out CAC.mil for more information.

VA Health Identification Card

If your Veterans Health Identification Card (VHIC) is lost or expired, you can call your local VA medical facility to get a new one. You can also call 877-222-8387 from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Eastern Monday to Friday to request a replacement card.

Initial-issue cards may be applied for at your local medical office, depending on their situation.

State ID Cards and Driver's Licenses

Most states have either extended the expiration of state-issued ID cards and licenses or expanded their online renewal services. Many states also automatically extend the expiration date of driver's licences for military personnel who are stationed out-of-state. Check with your state for more information.

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