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Burial Flags For Veterans

military funeral

A U.S. flag is provided, at no cost, to drape the casket or accompany the urn of a deceased veteran who served honorably in the military. 

Generally, the flag is given to the next-of-kin, as a keepsake after its use during the funeral service. 

Who is Eligible for a Burial Flag?

VA will furnish a burial flag for any veteran with an other than dishonorable discharge.

Application Process 

You may apply for the flag by completing VA Form 27-2008, Application for United States Flag for Burial Purposes.

Generally, the funeral director can help you obtain a flag.

Post Offices are the primary issuing point for burial flags. Call and confirm with the post office in advance. Not all local post offices have burial flags on hand but they should be able to direct you to the closest issuing post office. Local VA Offices can also help identify local issuing points.

Replacement Flags 

The law allows VA to issue one flag for a veteran's funeral. They cannot replace it if it is lost, destroyed, or stolen. However, some veterans' organizations or other community groups may be able to help you get another flag.

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