
Military Spouse Jobs on Base

AAFES employee Travis Daniels organizes video game consoles in the electronics department at The Exchange on Grand Forks Air Force Base, North Dakota. (U.S. Air Force/Luis Loza Gutierrez)
AAFES employee Travis Daniels organizes video game consoles in the electronics department at The Exchange on Grand Forks Air Force Base, North Dakota. (U.S. Air Force/Luis Loza Gutierrez)

There are plenty of jobs available to military spouses on base. And while every service branch and every installation is different, but most bases will offer the following opportunities:

Exchange and Commissary Jobs

Your local exchange or commissary both have great employment opportunities. Visit Military.com's Commissary and Exchange section to learn more.

Related: Does your resume pass the 6-second test? Get a FREE assessment.

Federal Government Positions

Federal Civil Service positions are listed on the government's USAJobs site. Check out these tips for landing a federal job or visit USAJobs for listings.

Spouse Job Help

Every service offers spouse employment assistane through a central office. Learn more about your branch through one of the links below:

How the Air Force helps spouses find jobs.

How the Army helps spouses find jobs.

How the Navy helps spouses find jobs.

How the Marine Corps helps spouses find jobs.

How the Coast Guard helps spouses find jobs.

Looking for more job tips?

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