Defense Commissary Agency The Defense Commissary Agency, DeCA, employs more than 17,000 people throughout 14 countries as it delivers the premier quality of life benefit to the U.S. armed services community. The agency's human resources program is responsive, informative and customer friendly - dedicated to offering the most up-to-date information to DeCA employees so they may make responsible decisions in their careers and personal lives.
Related: Does your resume pass the 6-second test? Get a FREE assessment.
Army and Air Force Exchange System (AAFES)
AAFES recruits for entry-level positions and management positions world-wide in Retail, Information Systems, Finance & Accounting, Logistics, Food Service/Restaurant Management, Contracting & Procurement, and occasionally other career fields. In addition AAFES offers Spouse Preference Points in their hiring system.
AAFES Employment Opportunities
Navy Exchange System (NEX)
Nex has 16,000 civilian associates who enjoy a challenging and rewarding work environment. They offer attractive benefits package that includes medical/dental/life insurance, retirement, a 401K plan, paid holidays, vacation and sick leave, and much more. They are an Equal Opportunity Employer and welcome diversity in our workforce.
Job Opportunities
Managerial and supervisory opportunities are available at NEX headquarters in Virginia Beach, VA and at many of their facilities worldwide. View and apply for the most current opportunities online, by category below.
Entry level and non-supervisory positions are available at headquarters and many of the Navy Exchange locations worldwide. To see what openings are posted, use the Category search or Location pull down menu on the NEX Employment website to find the location you are interested in and to find out how to apply. Not all store vacancies may be posted. Visit the NEX Store Locator map to obtain the contact information for the Human Resources Office of your desired location.
Marine Corps Exchange (MCX)
The MCX is currently a decentralized system, this means each store manages its own employment needs. Most locations are always accepting applications so visit the MCX Store Locator map to obtain the contact information for the Human Resources Office of your desired location.
The Coast Guard Exchange System (CGES)
CGES hiring is normally at handled the local CGES location. Visit the CGES Exchange Locator on the CGES homepage to obtain the contact information for the Human Resources Office of your desired location.
Related: For the latest veteran jobs postings around the country, visit the Job Search section.
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