Find a collection of resources for military spouse licensing and certification programs.
Search for occupational licensing requirements by state, occupation or agency. This tool includes information on licenses that may be required by law in order for you to practice a particular occupation.
Certifications are examinations that test or enhance your knowledge, experience or skills in an occupation or profession. This directory allows you to search for certifications by keyword, industry or occupational area.
Related: For the latest veteran jobs postings around the country, visit the Job Search section.
Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES)
DANTES has agreements with over 50 nationally recognized certification associations. Military personnel and spouses may already have the experience and knowledge required to gain certification in their occupational specialty.
Additional articles
How to Become a Child Development Home Provider
Childcare providers offer warm and loving homes for children and assure service members that their children are in a safe and happy environment while they are serving their country.
Licensing, Certification Info for Military Jobs Available Online
Separating military members can now get help earning professional certification or licenses related to their military jobs for the civilian world before they leave the service. Where to go? Online.
Related: To create a personalized transition plan for yourself, and for transition guides and checklists, visit the Transition Center.
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