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Weekly Workout: Workout Travel Options and New Gear

An Army sergeant completes the sandbag carry during a memorial CrossFit workout.
Sgt. Michael Spoor, a Houston native and Intelligence noncommissioned officer in charge with the 69th Air Defense Artillery Brigade, completes the 343-meter sandbag carry during the Sept. 11 Memorial CrossFit workout, Sept. 11, 2016, at Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar. (Sgt. Brandon Banzhaf/U.S. Army photo)

Most weekly workout posts tend to feature a combination of workouts for advanced and beginner athletes and a mix of weights, calisthenics and cardio options. This one is a bit different because I realized I would not have to change my workout on a travel day this week if I had a certain piece of equipment.

I missed this type of weight training program and had to replace it with the calisthenics and backpack workout that follows:

Planned Workout (if in my gym)

On the road option

Warmup: 20-minute ruck

Strength Portion:

  • 4x10 -- 90lb Walking Lunges 45#DB or tactical bags
  •  15-12-8 RM --  Deadlifts, @75% 

Stamina Portion:

3-4 Rounds:

  • 5RM Full Cleans and Press, 1x5 @80%
  • 300m Bulgarian Bag Run (when not strapped up, our bags perform as a Bulgarian w/ the outer handles)
  • 15 45lb kettlebell swings (using bag)
  • 60-second butterfly kicks on the case for elevation
Cool down and stretch

Warmup with travel backpack, 20-minute ruck
Strength Portion:

(more endurance / stamina)

  • Walking lunges with backpack (total 45#) -- total 60 reps
  • Only able to do deep squats with 40# for 40-50 total reps

Repeat 3-4 times

  • (Awkward) Backpack clean and press -- sets of 10-15
  • Run with backpack -- 300m shuttle run in parking lot.
  • Backpack swings -- 15 (a little awkward)
  • Cooldown jog 10-15 minutes

However, if I had the MoBell Muscle Kit developed by some innovative veterans, I could have done what I had designed originally without a single modification. These sandbags can be filled at your destination and emptied for travel. The barbell is easily assembled, and the case can be used as a bench for barbell bench presses even. is a new company working at making these the perfect travel training kit for people who need their barbells and bags.  These are ideal for military deployments, travel to places with typical hotel weight rooms, as well as your backyard.

Stew Smith is a former Navy SEAL and fitness author certified as a Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) with the National Strength and Conditioning Association. Visit his Fitness eBook store if you’re looking to start a workout program to create a healthy lifestyle. Send your fitness questions to

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