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Looking for a Fun Group Workout? Try the Devil's Mile with a Tire

A senior performs a bear crawl.
Senior Grant Wendland, a 19th Medical Support Squadron medical laboratories technician, bear-crawls during one of the squadron’s physical training sessions, July 12, 2012, at Little Rock Air Force Base, Arkansas. (Airman 1st Class Rusty Frank/U.S. Air Force photo)

Fitness programs today are pushing the limits of comfort and getting creative to produce a better warrior or tactical athlete, using simple methods that can be accomplished anywhere.

Some trainers agree with these methods while​ some disagree with those that push the limits of what athletes should do in a day. But regardless of what you think about these type of workouts, this is one such workout that works the entire body and challenges the cardiovascular system. It is actually a fun group workout called the Devil’s Mile with a Tire.

A Devil’s Mile involves four exercises that are performed for a quarter-mile each. One of our favorites is a 400-meter bear crawl, 400-meter walking lunges, 400-meter fireman carry (200 meters for each partner) and 400-meter burpee broad jump.

Here is one, but you use a car tire (or 20-​ to 40-pound bag)

Half-mile warmup jog/stretch

Using a normal car tire (not tractor tire), run four laps on a quarter-mile track but on the straightaway (100-yard segments), do the following: On one side, run the bleachers up/​down every stairway of the section, along the 0-50-0 yard lines with the tire carried anyway you want. (usually 5-10 up/​down flights of steps)

Continue running to the other side of the track, where you will do 100 yards of the following exercises (each lap, pick one):

Bear crawl slide: Push the tire 100 yards on the ground.

Thruster and throw: Do a thruster (squat and push press) and throw the tire as far as you can from the shoulder position (wearing the tire like a necklace) for 100 yards.

Walking lunge with tire overhead for 100 yards

Burpee/chest press and throw: Do a burpee on the tire. Pick the tire up and push forward with a chest pass for 100 yards.

After each 100-yard exercise, run back to the other side of the track and repeat bleacher runs again until you have four total laps of bleacher runs and the above 4 x 100 yards of exercises.

Half-mile cooldown jog (without tire)

After this, go swimming for 1,500 meters with fins and 500 meters without using the CSS stroke or ruck for an hour if you have no pool.

Stew Smith is a former Navy SEAL and fitness author certified as a Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) with the National Strength and Conditioning Association. Visit his Fitness eBook store if you’re looking to start a workout program to create a healthy lifestyle. Send your fitness questions to

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