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Why Eating Every Three Hours on the 'Get Lean Diet' Will Help You Shed Pounds

Healthy snacks satisfy morning and afternoon cravings.
Fruits and nuts are examples of healthy and nutritious snacks to satisfy morning and afternoon cravings. (Airman 1st Class Klynne Pearl Serrano/U.S. Air Force photo)

The "Get Lean Diet" article kept me busy answering emails about what other options people could use for the three-hour diet. The goal of the low-fat, medium-carb, high-protein and fiber diet is to keep the stomach full by eating every three hours.

If you mix in one or two short workouts in the day, you can make your mini-meals protein and carb enriched to replenish your energy level and give the body needed muscle-building and fat-burning fuel. The chart below will help you with ideas of how to use this diet with a variety of foods.

Each one of the blocks represents an idea of what to do for that meal. Do not think you can eat the entire column and still be on the diet; pick a block and always drink water. For more ideas, you can see my motivating diet plan page

(Scroll down to see complete table)

6:30 a.m. meal options 9:30 a.m. meal options 12:30 p.m. meal options
Egg whites or hard-boiled egg whites, whole-wheat toast, jam or peanut butter SlimFast meal bar or post-workout protein shake Green leafy lettuce salad with roasted chicken or tuna fish.
Yogurt, milk, cereal (whole-wheat grain cereals; multi-grains is the best option) Yogurt smoothie Subway sandwich
Lean meat on whole-wheat bagel or bread/toast Lean meat/cheese wrap Vegetable beef stew
Protein shake or yogurt smoothie Assorted nuts and berries mix -- 1 cup Whole-wheat pasta and marina sauce
SlimFast meal replacement bar Beans and brown rice/celery sticks and peanut butter & milk Burrito or whole-wheat turkey or lean meat wrap
Banana, apple, small carrots, pears or orange Fruit options -- 1-2 cups of honeydew or watermelon, and/or cantaloupe Spinach salad with almonds, strawberries, lean meat
Water: 1/2 - 1 quart Water -- 1 quart or green tea (hot or cold) Water -- 1 quart or green tea (hot or cold)
3:30 p.m. meal options 6:30 p.m. meal options Evening snack options
Fruit salad (variety) Chicken, tuna or fish, lean meat sandwich on wheat bread, no mayo. Water -- make up for missing glasses at end of the day to be better hydrated tomorrow
Turkey whole-wheat wrap Mixed salads with variety of veggies -- green leafy lettuce, broccoli, carrots, tomatoes, onion Whole-wheat bagel
Can of tuna with water Chicken, asparagus or broccoli, brown rice, wheat bread -- fruit dessert Whole-wheat toast
Milkshake or Myoplex shake Veggie or turkey burger with lettuce, tomato onion, mustard (no mayo) Italian ice
Chopped chicken with hard-boiled egg and lettuce or rice Lean sirloin, green or lima beans, salad, whole-grain garlic bread, sherbet Low/no fat popcorn
Yogurt smoothie with Myoplex protein powder Broiled fish, steamed brown rice, salad Remember the goal is to limit fat grams to under 50 grams a day and lower carbs to as needed for pre- and post-workouts
Water 1/2 - 1 quart Water - 1 quart

Stew Smith is a former Navy SEAL and fitness author certified as a Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) with the National Strength and Conditioning Association. Visit his Fitness eBook store if you’re looking to start a workout program to create a healthy lifestyle. Send your fitness questions to

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