
Law Enforcement Running Test

Law Enforcement Running Test

I have received similar emails from two young men under 22 years of age, both seeking fitness preparation information for military and law enforcement occupations. The problem with many younger (and older) Americans is that the current fitness/health conditions they maintain are not good enough to ensure success at a military boot camp or a law enforcement training academy. Their emails specifically address their very common issues.

Question From Future Police Officer:

"I am a beginner - I have never run trying to get to a specific time. This is my second week training - my goal is to reach 1.5 miles in 14:30. On the track, I power walk one lap then run the next lap. I figured if I did it this way I would not injure myself. After about six times out running every other lap I am down to 15:28 for 1.5 miles. What is the quickest way that I can get down to a 14:30."

Question From Future SEAL:

"I bought your book "Navy Seal Fitness" but the workouts are too hard for me to complete and I was wondering what should I do? I got the Perfect Pushup system which is helping me a bit and I'm seriously thinking of just joining the Navy and working my way to become a SEAL. I can do it, but my physical fitness level is not the right level to do your workouts. I know I'm one of the thousands who want to be a Seal but I'm a determined person. Any advice?"

For both, striving for and not reaching minimum physical standards should not be an option. Both the law enforcement and military created physical standards for a reason - your life or your buddy's life may depend on your physical ability/fitness level. You can eliminate one stressor of military and police indoctrination training just by showing up in above average physical condition. Otherwise, you will be forced to spend so many extra hours training (or in such physical pain and soreness) that it will take the focus away from learning to shoot to other job specific skills.

To the Future Police Officer:

You are going about your beginning running program the right way. By not doing too much, too fast, too often, you will save yourself from certain injury. However, you must have a plan that will build you up so your goal will be faster than a 14:30 1.5 mile run. Usually, a good minimum standard for the 1.5 mile run is closer to 10:30 (or a 7:00/mile pace). In fact, the women at the US Naval Academy have to run under 12:30 for the 1.5 mile run or they fail the test - that is an 8:00 / mile pace. Consider a 14:30 a passing grade but it is a "D" average - or below average. See the free "Six Week Running Program" (PDF) for starters. Also read the "Running Plan for Marathons" article for a beginning running plan.

To the Future SEAL:

You need to try an easier version of the "Complete Guide to Navy SEAL Fitness" book like maybe Navy SEAL Workout - Phase 1 ebook. You can also do the workout you have as best you can by doing pushups on your knees when you fail, or try assisted pull-ups or pull-downs. Try crunches instead of sit-ups once you fail too. Swimming and running should be done often so you can run for miles and swim for hours if you have to. You need to be in superior shape prior to attending boot camp and pass the SEAL PST with advanced fitness standards. If you reach the minimum standards for the SEAL PST you only have a 6% chance of graduating. Above average standards place you at an 85% chance of graduating SEAL training. Those standards are: (1) 500 yd swim in under 9:00 (2) pushups -- 100 in 2:00 (3) sit-ups -- 100 in 2:00 (4) pull-ups -- 20 , and (5) 1.5 mile run in 9:00. But, if you want to take your chances, go ahead. The Navy needs people on ships too.

In closing, set your goals a little higher when attempting to serve your country. The military and law enforcement is not just a pay check. They are honorable professions that may require the "average" person to fight for his/her life one day. You can do it with proper training and skills and having a sound fitness foundation enables you to be a better protector of our country.

More Running and Cardio Articles

More Law Enforcement Fitness Articles:

- Training for the Police Academy
- Law Enforcement PFT
- Firefighter Fitness Standards
- All Law Enforcement Fitness Articles

More Navy Special Operations Articles:

- Navy SEAL Fitness Preparation
- How to Prepare for BUD/S
- Top Things to Know Before BUD/S
- Video: SEAL BUD/S Training 
- Getting Fit for SEAL Training
- Navy SEAL Fitness Test
- Joining Naval Special Operations
- Navy SWCC Fitness Training
- All Navy Special Operations Fitness

Stew Smith is a former Navy SEAL and fitness author certified as a Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) with the National Strength and Conditioning Association. If you are interested in starting a workout program to create a healthy lifestyle - check out the Military.com Fitness eBook store and the Stew Smith article archive at Military.com. To contact Stew with your comments and questions, e-mail him at stew@stewsmith.com.

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