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TRX Move #4: Pull-up

Suspension straps hang from a bar during a TRX Circuit Blast class at Naval Station Norfolk, Virginia.
Suspension straps hang from a bar during a TRX Circuit Blast class in the N-24 gym on Naval Station Norfolk, Virginia, Nov. 27, 2012. (Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Molly A. Burgess/U.S. Navy photo)


N: Name of the exercise

A: Adjustment length of the TRX

P: Position relative to the anchor

S: Starting posture

M: Movement cues

R: Return cues to starting posture.

N: TRX pull-up

A: over-short


S: Arms extended overhead, seated on deck, legs straight, heels on deck, shoulders down and back.

M: Bend elbows, pull body off ground, using legs minimally to assist.

R: Lower body toward deck, extending arms overhead.

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