When you look in the mirror, you may see areas that you can improve upon. The most common area for most of us is typically the abdominal region. Not just the front side of our torso, but the sides and back can increase their fat stores as we age. Here is a short, sweet request for advice from a retired Army soldier about this problem area:
Stew --
Please advise on abdominals for a 61-year-old female, retired Army.
Thanks, Annie
Thanks for your career of service. I appreciate your concise question, too -- no beating around the bush. I imagine you, like everyone else, want to firm up your midsection, maybe lean out and burn some fat around your waistline.
First, I never would focus on just front abdominal exercises. You have to look at your entire torso, which includes everything on the front, side and back from your hips to your shoulders. That is what core training is, not just crunches to build stomach muscles.
Too often, people do a lot of abdominal exercises only and miss balancing the muscles in their lower back, obliques and hips. Eventually, back pain can result. So, when looking at your abdominal muscles, think of them as muscles you need to balance just as you would balance out your biceps and triceps when training your arms -- front and back.
One good aspect of your potential regimen is that after a career in the Army, you do not need to do sit-ups, because I assume there are no more fitness tests in your future.
But you have to consider a three-phase approach to firming your abdominals:
1. Core training. Exercises that include a variety of plank poses (side, front, back, one arm/one leg) will help you create a solid foundation for your core muscles. These are simple isometric holds common to yoga and Pilates that you may like to try. Lifting free weights (dumbbells) also will force your muscles to work together to support the added weight in your hands and build a stronger core as well as arms and legs.
Fifteen to 20 minutes of circuit training will go a long way and can be done with calisthenics, weights, dumbbells or other devices like bands and a TRX.
Some ideas: Circuit Training or Lower Back/Core Plan.
2. Cardio training. Short, fast-paced intervals on cardio machines like bikes, ellipticals and rowers, as well as steady-paced cardio, can help you burn calories that will help you eat away at the fat around your middle. You have a six-pack of abs. It is likely just under a layer of fat. Shoot for 20-30 minutes of rigorous exercise.
3. Diet. You cannot "out-exercise" your diet. Focus primarily on reducing sugars. Try to get your carbohydrates from fruits and vegetables and not from sodas, breads, fruit juices and other high-calorie, high-sugar foods and drinks. You do not want to eliminate carbs from your diet; just limit them to good, natural carbs.
I hope this helps you with your question.
Good luck.
Stew Smith is a former Navy SEAL and fitness author certified as a Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) with the National Strength and Conditioning Association. Visit his Fitness eBook store if you're looking to start a workout program to create a healthy lifestyle. Send your fitness questions to stew@stewsmith.com.
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