If you are preparing to become a member of any special operations group (Army SF, Rangers, Navy SEALs, Marine RECON, Air Force PJs, EOD units and others), you must graduate from the Army Basic Airborne Course (BAC) in Fort Benning, Georgia. Not only is it a prerequisite for special ops, but it has become a mandatory school to further your Army career as well. So let the BAC be a starting point to making your future in the Army bright, exciting and fulfilling.
To prepare for BAC, you need to pass the Army PFT with a score of 180 and hold a flexed arm hang for 10 seconds*. At age bracket 17-21, that is only a score of:
180 Score |
Men |
Women |
Push-ups |
42 |
19 |
Sit-ups |
53 |
53 |
2-mile run |
15:54 |
18:54 |
These scores are below average for the caliber of student who easily graduates Airborne without any trouble on the daily runs and PT. I would recommend getting closer to the 80%-100% on the Army physical fitness test, or APFT, so you can enjoy the training and better concentrate on the mission at hand -- jumping out of a perfectly good airplane. The 80%-100% range is:
240-300 Score |
Men |
Women |
Push-ups |
57-71 |
31-42 |
Sit-ups |
66-78 |
66-78 |
2-mile run |
13:00-14:24 |
15:36-17:12 |
If your goal is to become an Army Ranger or soldier in the Special Forces, you definitely want to ace the Army PFT with a 300 or better. The following training for any SF school will require much more out of you than Airborne, but Airborne is a great first step to "jump-starting" your career. Many of my favorite PT programs to train for the Army PFT can be found in these Military.com links:
Now, let's meet those physical standards and surpass the 180 minimum score and aim higher. While you are taking the time to exercise to prepare for the training, pick up the training a notch and really get yourself in top shape. Noncombatants and combatants in the Army alike, now more than ever, need to raise the bar and perform at higher standards. Be ready and train hard in all areas. Good luck to all soldiers and future soldiers. Thanks for your service.
Learn More About Army Special Forces
More Army Special Forces articles:
- Army Special Forces overview
- Army Green Beret training
- Army Ranger PFT
- Preparing for Army Ranger School
- Weight gain for Ranger School
- All Army Special Forces articles
Other Army fitness articles:
- Army Basic Training PFT requirements
- Army weight standards
- Army fitness workout plan
- Army Ranger fitness
- Performing for the Special Forces
- Physical fitness test anxiety
Find Available Special Operations Opportunities
Stew Smith is a former Navy SEAL and fitness author certified as a Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) with the National Strength and Conditioning Association. Visit his Fitness eBook store if you’re looking to start a workout program to create a healthy lifestyle. Send your fitness questions to stew@stewsmith.com.
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