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Pell Grants: More Free Money for School

College student

Pell Grants are the foundation of federal student financial aid, which can be added with other federal and nonfederal fund sources. Pell Grants are generally awarded to undergraduate students who haven't earned a bachelor's or graduate degree. In some cases, however, you might receive a Pell Grant if you're enrolled in a post-baccalaureate teacher certification program.

Learn about Pell Grants for Children of the Fallen (formerly Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grants).

Unlike loans, Federal Pell Grants don't have to be repaid unless you are awarded funds incorrectly or you withdrew from school. The amount you receive depends on your financial need, cost of attendance, and enrollment status. The maximum Pell Grant award for the 2023-2024 award year (July 1, 2024, to June 30, 2025) is $7,395.

Aside from Pell Grants awarded to children of fallen service members under a special rule, Pell Grants are awarded based on your financial need. The government and your school use your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to determine your eligibility.

To find out more about Pell Grants and other federal grants, visit the Federal Student Aid website for information on federal financial aid including eligibility, application, repayment, and more -- plus self-service tools to help you prepare for, choose, and apply for college.

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