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Military Tuition Assistance (TA) Overview

Air Force Members in Classroom

Military Tuition Assistance (TA) is a benefit paid to eligible members of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force and Coast Guard. Congress has given each service the ability to pay up to 100% for the tuition expenses of its members.

Tuition Assistance Eligibility

Military service offers a tremendous array of education benefits that can be used while you are on active duty or after you leave the service. A good education is essential to your career both in uniform and out, so take advantage of the education benefits you've earned.

While in service, members have access to up to $4,500 a year in Tuition Assistance. TA is paid to the school on a per class basis. Service members can also use GI Bill benefits, although it is seldom a good idea to do so while on active duty.

Each service has its own criteria for eligibility, obligated service, application process and restrictions. This money is usually paid directly to the institution by the individual services.

Additionally, active-duty members may elect to use the GI Bill "Top-Up" in addition to their service-provided TA to cover high-cost courses.

TA is not a loan; it should be viewed as money you have earned just like your base pay.

However, the U.S. Army acknowledged in April 2024 that it is seeking cuts to its tuition assistance program as well as its Credentialing Assistance program. It's unclear what prompted the Army’s benefits review.

Recap of program:

ServiceAmount CoveredWho is Eligible
Air Force

100% tuition & fees, not to exceed:

  • $250 per semester hour
  • $166 per quarter hour
  • $4,500 per fiscal year
  • Active duty
  • Reserve

100% tuition & fees, not to exceed:

  • $250 per semester hour
  • $166 per quarter hour
  • 16 semester hours per year
  • $4,000 per fiscal year
  • Active duty
  • Army National Guard on active duty
  • Army Reserve

100% tuition & fees, not to exceed:

  • $250 per semester hour
  • $166 per quarter hour
  • $4,500 per fiscal year
  • Active duty
  • Navy Reserve in active-duty status
Marine Corps

100% tuition & fees, not to exceed:

  • $250 per semester hour
  • $166 per quarter hour
  • $4,500 per fiscal year
  • Active duty only
Coast Guard

100% tuition & fees, not to exceed:

  • $250 per semester hour
  • $166 per quarter hour
  • $4,500 per fiscal year
  • Active duty
  • Reserve in active-duty status
Space Force
  • $250 per semester hour
  • $166 per quarter hour
  • $4,500 per fiscal year
  • Active duty

What Will Tuition Assistance Benefits Cover?

Tuition Assistance can be used for undergraduate, graduate, vocational, licensure,

certificate, and language courses, or to complete a high school education. Funds may be used

for either in-person or online classes.

Funding may be used to cove:

  • Tuition
  • Course-specific fees (e.g., laboratory fees or online course fee)

Tuition Assistance Restrictions

Tuition Assistance cannot be paid if you leave the service before your course ends or if you fail the course.

Tuition Assistance also cannot be paid if you drop out of the class, but there are exceptions to this. These exceptions include developing an illness, a military transfer, or mission requirements.

In cases where you’d already received TA, if you’re later deemed ineligible to be paid, you’d have to pay the money back.

Additionally, Tuition Assistance benefits do not cover:

  • Books
  • Course materials
  • Transportation
  • Room and board
  • Flight training fees
  • Taking the same course twice
  • Continuing education units, or CEUs

TA Application Process

Each military branch has its own TA application form and procedures. Check out our detailed pages explaining the program regulations for each service:

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