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Navy Releases Advancement Results for E4, E5, E6


WASHINGTON -- The names of more than 21,000 active duty, 1,800 Reserve and 500 Full Time Support (FTS) Sailors selected for advancement to E4, E5, and E6 have been released.

"Congratulations to all the Sailors who advanced this cycle," said Fleet Master Chief of Manpower, Personnel, Training, and Education April Beldo. "You earned this through hard work and dedication to the Navy, and it demonstrates your ability to step into greater positions of leadership."

Commands may view results on the Navy Enlisted Advancement System (NEAS) website and Sailors may view their profile sheets on Navy Knowledge Online (NKO).


Use the following links to view the names of Sailors selected for advancement: 

Click here for Active Duty Petty Officer Results

Click here for Reserve Petty Officer Results

Click here for Full Time Support Petty Officer Results

Click here for Recruiter Canvasser Petty Officer Results

"After every exam we ask leadership, our Chief's Mess and our first classes to sit down with those petty officers who didn't advance," said Beldo. "Through career development boards we look at their test scores, evals and performance and help them develop a plan to keep moving forward. We want to make sure these Sailors understand there is still an opportunity to stay Navy and advance." 

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