
Veteran's Health Care Overview

Young adult on crutches being escorted to hospital bed
(Adobe Stock)

You have made many sacrifices as a veteran, but just because you leave active duty does not mean that you lose all of your health benefits. But what exactly are you qualified for? Do you need help with an old injury, rehabilitation, or alcohol/drug dependence counseling? The following is a summary of what you need to know about your health care.

Overview and Health Programs

The VA is required by law to provide eligible veterans hospital care and outpatient care services that are defined as "needed." VA defines "needed" as care or service that will promote, preserve, and restore health. This includes treatment, procedures, supplies, or services. This decision of need will be based on the judgment of your health care provider and in accordance with generally accepted standards of clinical practice.

VA uses priority groups to determine what types of care each veteran receives and how much (if any) they must pay for it.

There are also health programs you may be eligible for, including treatment for:

Veteran's Health Care Eligibility

Veterans are eligible for VA programs, as well as dependents in many cases. Final eligibility depends on several factors for each program. 

Check out the links below for more information on:

More Details On Specific Veterans Health Care Programs:

Where To Find Assistance With Claims Or Diagnostic Process:

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Veteran Benefits