Are you a veteran in need of glasses or hearing aids? Did you know that in many cases the VA will provide glasses and hearing aids as well as examinations for free?
Here is a list of the eligibility requirements for VA provided vision and hearing care:
- Veterans with any compensable service-connected disability.
- Former Prisoners of War.
- Purple Heart recipients.
- Veterans who are qualified for an increased pension based on being permanently housebound and in need of regular aid and attendance.
- Veterans with vision or hearing impairment resulting from diseases or the existence of another medical condition for which they are getting care or services from the VA.
- Veterans with significant functional or cognitive impairment that keeps them from performing the activities of daily living.
- Veterans with vision and/or hearing impairment severe enough that it interferes with their ability to participate actively in their own medical treatment.
- Veterans who have service-connected vision disabilities rated zero percent or service-connected hearing disabilities rated zero percent if there is organic conductive, mixed, or sensory hearing impairment, and loss of pure tone hearing sensitivity in the low, mid, or high-frequency range or a combination of frequency ranges which contribute to a loss of communication ability; however, hearing aids are to be provided only as needed for the service-connected hearing disability.
If you are interested in VA provided vision and hearing benefits, you can contact the prosthetic representative at the nearest VA health care facility.
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