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Montana State Veteran Benefits

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The state of Montana provides several veteran benefits. This page explains those benefits. 

Montana Veteran Housing Benefits

Montana has veterans homes in Columbia Falls and Glendive. Honorably discharged veterans who require skilled care are eligible for admission. Spouses are admitted on a space-available basis.

Residents pay based on their ability.

Montana Veteran Financial Benefits

Income Tax

Active-duty and Reserve/Guard pay is tax-free.

Starting in the 2024 tax year, residents who work in Montana may deduct up to 50% of military retirement or survivor pay for up to the first five years of meeting the eligibility requirements. For retirees in general, up to $5,060 is exempt if gross income is less than $42,140 for the 2023 tax year. Also starting in the 2024 tax tear, taxpayers ages 65 and over will receive a $5,500 subtraction from their federal taxable income.

Disabled Veterans Property Tax Exemption

Honorably discharged, 100% disabled veterans may be exempt from paying some property tax on their home. Income limits apply. Unmarried surviving spouses may also be eligible. 

Montana Military Family Relief Fund

Offers grants up to $2,000 for family members of Montana National Guard members or reservists who are Montana residents, who have served under federal contingency orders for at least 30 consecutive days, and whose pay grade is no higher than O-3 or W-3.

There are several types of grants.

Montana Employment Benefits

Point Preference in Hiring Veterans

For public jobs in Montana, an honorably discharged veteran gets an additional five points added to their scoring, and a disabled veteran gets 10 points. Some spouses or unremarried surviving spouses may also be eligible.

Military Waiver for Commercial Driver's License

Active-duty members and veterans who are licensed and drove a military motor vehicle equivalent to a commercial one may have the skills portion of the CDL waived.

Written tests may be waived, but school bus, passenger, and hazardous materials endorsements cannot be transferred. 

Montana Education Benefits

Montana Honorably Discharged Veteran Tuition Waiver

For Montana resident veterans with an honorable discharge who served during wartime and receive a campaign or expeditionary medal.

The veteran must have used up all federal GI Bill benefits.

The waiver covers 100% of the cost of in-state tuition.

Montana War Orphans Tuition Waiver

For children under 25,whose parent was killed in action or died as a result of combat-related injury or disease, the waiver covers 100% of the cost of resident tuition.

Montana Veteran Recreation Benefits

Hunting and Fishing Licenses

Disabled Montana veterans may be eligible for discounted hunting and fishing licenses. Please contact the Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks Department for more information.

Active-duty non-residents and their families can buy hunting and fishing licenses for the resident rate. 

State Park Admission

Montana resident veterans get discounted campsites and amenities at state parks.

Montana State Veterans Cemeteries

The state of Montana maintains three Veterans Cemeteries. They are in Helena, Missoula and Miles City.

Spouses may be buried along with the veteran.

There is a small charge for burial. Non-residents may also be eligible.

Visit the Montana Veterans Affairs website for more information on any of these programs.

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