
Maine State Veteran Benefits

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The state of Maine provides several veteran benefits. We explain them on this page.

Maine Housing Benefits

Veterans Homes

Maine has six veterans homes. They're located in Augusta, Bangor, Caribou, Machias, Scarborough, and South Paris. Honorably discharged Maine resident veterans who served at least one day of active duty; spouses, widows, and widowers of qualified veterans; and Gold Star parents can live in a Maine Veterans’ Home.

Home Loans

The Maine State Housing Authority offers active-duty troops, veterans, and military retirees a 0.5% discount on mortgages through the Salute Home Again program. 

Limits on income and your home's purchase price apply, but most Maine households and homes are eligible. Limits can vary depending on the number of people in your household and the location of the home you plan to buy.

Maine Veteran Financial Benefits

Income Tax

Military pay earned out of state is tax-free.

Military retirement and Survivor Benefit Plan payments are tax-free.

Property Tax Exemption

An other-than-dishonorably discharged resident Maine veteran who served during wartime and is 62 years or older; or is receiving 100% Veterans Affairs Department disability; or became 100% disabled while serving is eligible for a $6,000 property tax exemption. Un-remarried surviving spouses are also eligible.

Paraplegic veterans and their qualifying spouses are eligible for up to a $50,000 property tax exemption.

Vehicle Registration Fee

Veterans with a 100% permanent and total, service-connected disability are exempt from one registration fee, title fee, and driver license renewal fee.

Veterans Emergency Financial Assistance

Maine veterans who experience an emergency and do not have sufficient savings or access to other financial assistance to resolve the emergency may be eligible for up to $2,000 in assistance.

Examples of qualifying emergencies are: damage to the veteran's home due to fire, flood or hurricane that is not covered by insurance; illness of the veteran or family member that results in hardship; assistance to prevent or resolve the veteran being homeless; and any other condition that puts the veteran at risk of not having the basic necessities of food, shelter, or safety.

Maine Veteran Employment Preference

Veterans and Gold Star spouses who meet the minimum qualifications for a job with the state will automatically receive an interview.

Maine Education Benefits

Veterans Dependents Educational Benefits 

Maine offers a 100% waiver of tuition and all fees at state schools for dependents of Maine veterans who are permanently and totally disabled; are missing in action from active duty; died of a service-connected disability; or were killed in action.

This benefit applies to dependents of Maine veterans who entered the service from Maine or who have been a resident for five years immediately preceding application for aid; and, if living, continues to reside in Maine throughout the duration of the benefits being administered.

Spouses have 10 consecutive years to complete the program. Children have six consecutive years.

State of Maine Guard Tuition Assistance

Maine offers a 100% tuition waiver for Maine's National Guard members to attend any of the schools in the University of Maine and Maine Community College systems, as well as Maine Maritime Academy.

Maine Veteran Recreation Benefits

Hunting & Fishing Licenses for Disabled Veterans

A disabled veteran who has a service-connected disability of at least 50% can get a free license to fish, trap and hunt. This includes archery, muzzleloader, bear, migratory bird, pheasant, spring/fall wild turkey, coyote night hunt, crossbow, one expanded archery antlerless deer permit, and upon meeting the qualifications, a license to guide.

The license(s) remains valid for the life of the holders as long as they continue to meet residency requirements.

Recreation Area Admission Fees

The following are eligible for free admission to Maine state parks, museums, and sites:

  • All Maine veterans with an other-than-dishonorable discharge.
  • 100% disabled Maine veterans and their dependents.
  • Maine residents who are enlisted active-duty members and their dependents.

Active-Duty Military Hunting and Fishing Licenses

Active-duty Maine residents and their dependents can buy a discounted hunting, fishing, or combination hunting and fishing license.

Hunting and Fishing Licenses for Non-Resident Active-Duty Members

Military members stationed in Maine, as well as their dependents, can pay the resident fee for a hunting, fishing, or trapping license.

Maine Veterans Memorial Cemeteries

The Maine Veterans' Memorial Cemetery System consists of four cemeteries. One is located in Caribou; two are in Augusta; and one is in Springvale. Burial is free of charge to veterans with an other-than-dishonorable discharge as well as their dependents.

Visit the Maine Bureau of Veterans' Services website for more information on any of these programs.

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Veteran Benefits