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Tricare Prime Remote Overseas Overview

Two soldiers patrolling the desert.

Tricare Prime Remote Overseas is for Active Duty members, activated Reserve & Guard members, and their command sponsored dependents who are stationed in remote overseas locations.

Tricare Prime Remote Overseas is minimum essential coverage under the Affordable Care Act. 

Who is Eligible

Enrollment in Tricare Prime Remote Overseas isn't automatic, family members must enroll before receiving care. To be eligible, family members must:  

  • Be eligible in DEERS
  • Be listed on the permanent change of station (PCS) orders or relocate on service sponsored/funded orders

How it Works

You will coordinate with your Primary Care Manager (PCM), who will provide most of your care, if there is specialized care your PCM cannot provide, they will refer you to a healthcare provider in your local foreign area that contracts with International SOS, the contractor authorized by Tricare to provide foreign services.


There are no enrollment fees for Tricare Prime Remote Overseas, there are no copayment fees as long as you get care from your PCM or a PCM referred provider, if you go to a provider without a PCM referral you will be liable for point-of-service fees.

To Enroll

You must enroll by calling your regional center or by mailing a completed application to International SOS, you cannot enroll online. Please visit the Tricare Prime Overseas enrollment page for more information.

Enrollment begins on the date of acceptance of your enrollment package. You may enroll at any time. Enrollment continues until you choose to disenroll, or are transferred to another Tricare region or area. 

Moving: If you are scheduled for a PCS move, you will remain enrolled for a maximum of 60 days from the date you leave your current Tricare region (in the U.S. Territories or overseas).

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