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Veteran Disability Compensation

Picture of $100 bills

Veterans with a service-related disability and an "other than dishonorable" discharge can qualify for a monthly tax-free VA Disability Compensation benefit ranging from $133 to over $3,400 every month.

VA Disability Rates

You could be paid more if:

How To Apply For VA Disability Compensation

For the fastest service you should apply online through the VA.GOV website, you should submit supporting documents with your claim for benefits. You should send the VA copies of medical evidence (both military and civilian), your discharge paperwork, and anything else you may think is necessary. Remember, you can never provide the VA too much information!

In certain circumstances you can apply for benefits before being discharged from the military, please visit our Pre-Discharge Program for Disability Compensation page for details.

Special Monthly Compensation

Special Monthly Compensation (SMC) is paid in addition to the regular VA Disability Compensation. It is normally limited to veterans who suffered the loss or loss of use of certain organs or extremities. For details, see our SMC overview page.

VA Travel Reimbursement For Disabled Veterans

VA can pay travel reimbursement to certain veterans who have to travel to medical appointments. Reimbursement for mileage or public transportation can be paid to:

  1. Service-connected veterans with 30% or greater disability
  2. Veterans traveling for treatment of a service-connected condition
  3. VA pension recipients
  4. Veterans traveling for scheduled compensation or pension exams
  5. Certain low-income veterans

Mileage will be reimbursed at 41.5 cents per mile. There is a deductible of $3.00 one way and $6.00 per round trip. The deductible is also subject to a monthly cap of $18.00, when you reach $18.00 in travel payments in a month, the remainder of that month will be free of the deductible. The deductible can be waived in certain cases.

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