
SGLI Disability Extension

woman pushing a man in wheel chair
(Courtesy Photo)

The VA's SGLI Disability Extension allows service members who are totally disabled at time of discharge to retain the Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance (SGLI) coverage they had in service at no cost for up to two years.

The SGLI Disability Extension is available to you if you are totally disabled at time of discharge. To be considered totally disabled, you must have a disability that prevents you from being gainfully employed OR have one of the following conditions, regardless of your employment status:

  • Permanent loss of use of both hands
  • Permanent loss of use of both feet
  • Permanent loss of use of both eyes
  • Permanent loss of use of one hand and one foot
  • Permanent loss of use of one foot and one eye
  • Permanent loss of use of one hand and one eye
  • Total loss of hearing in both ears
  • Organic loss of speech (lost ability to express oneself, both by voice and whisper, through normal organs for speech - being able to speak with an artificial appliance is disregarded in determination of total disability)

See the VA's page on SGLI disability extension for more information.

SGLI and VGLI May Not Be Enough

SGLI and VGLI may not be enough to cover your family's needs. Explore life insurance options with our free tool, which compares rates and matches you to the coverage your family needs.

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