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Specially Adapted Housing Details

man at home cooking in wheelchair

The Department of Veterans Affairs offers grants for certain disabled veterans to make an existing or new home accessible. The two different grants are the Specially Adapted Housing (SAH) Grant and the Special Home Adaptation (SHA) Grant. 

A Temporary Residence Adaptation (TRA) Grant is available to eligible veterans who need to modify a family member's home they are temporarily living in. It follows the same rules as the SAH and SHA grants but has some limitations.

If you qualify for both grants, you will be limited to the one that pays you the most money.

The SAH grant is limited to 120 veterans per year who have:

  1. Loss, or loss of use, of more than one limb
  2. Loss, or loss of use, of a lower leg along with the residuals (lasting effects) of an organic (natural) disease or injury
  3. Blindness in both eyes (with 20/200 visual acuity or less)
  4. Certain severe burns
  5. Loss, or loss of use, of one lower extremity (foot or leg) after Sept. 11, 2001, which makes it so you can’t balance or walk without the help of braces, crutches, canes, or a wheelchair

The SHA Grant is available to veterans who have:

  1. Blindness in both eyes with 20/200 visual acuity or less
  2. Loss, or loss of use, of both hands
  3. Certain severe burn injuries
  4. Certain severe respiratory injuries

When you are rated for compensation by VA, it will determine your eligibility for the grants.

Housing Grant Amounts

  • SAH Grant: An eligible veteran may receive a VA grant of not more than $117,014 for fiscal year 2024; and not more than $46,130 through the TRA program.
  • SHA Grant: An eligible veteran may receive a VA grant of not more than 50% of the cost of a specially adapted house, up to the aggregate maximum amount allowable by law. The current maximum grant amount allowable for fiscal 2024 is $22,444; and not more than $8,415 through the TRA program.

These amounts are adjusted annually each Oct. 1 based on a cost-of-construction index.

You may receive up to six grants. The total you receive cannot exceed the amounts listed above. Depending on your situation, you could also receive the total maximum amount in one grant.

Modifications That Are Eligible for Grants

Some of the modifications that are covered under these grants include:

  • Wheelchair or other ramps
  • Making doorways wider
  • Making garage or carport wider to allow wheelchair entry into vehicle
  • Making bathrooms accessible
  • Making light switches, fuse boxes, and outlets accessible
  • Replacing or removing carpet to allow wheelchair use
  • Adding smoke/carbon monoxide detectors that have visual or special audible alarms
  • Adding a zone controlled HVAC system or generator backup
  • Adapting a kitchen

Remember, VA must approve all modifications before it will pay for them.

How to Apply for Benefits

When you are rated for disability by VA, it will also send you a VA Form 26-4555c, Application in Acquiring Specially Adapted Housing or Special Home Adaptation Grant, to be filled out when you are ready to obtain the grant.

After you complete and return the form, VA will send you a letter explaining the terms and conditions under which the funds will be made available. 

VA will also provide assistance in determining what types of modifications are necessary and may even recommend several contractors that can complete the work. However, you can choose any contractor.

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